Cellular and molecular mechanisms of hormonal carcinogenesis : environmental influences


Cellular and molecular mechanisms of hormonal carcinogenesis : environmental influences

edited by James Huff, Jeff Boyd, J. Carl Barrett

(Progress in clinical and biological research, v. 394)

Wiley-Liss, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes index



The impact of gender and hormonal perturbations on the carcinogenesis process has now attracted the awareness of the general scientific and regulatory communities. Starting with the first report of induced mammary carcinoma in male mice by an exogenously administered female sex hormone, current research seems to implicate a hormonal influence or modulation for most induced cancers, both those involving endocrine and non-endocrine tissues. Gender, and thus hormonal, differences in response to environmental carcinogenesis are common, and cancer occurrences are often strikingly different between the sexes. This text explores these direct and indirect hormonal influences in mammalian carcinogenesis, especially in environmentally or xenobiotically associated cancers.


  • Overview and Relevance of Hormonal Carcinogenesis
  • Receptor Mediated and Hormonal Carcinogenesis
  • Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Hormones and Human Cancers
  • Chemically Induced Cancers of Hormonal Organs in Animals and in Humans
  • The Kidney as a Target for Hormonal and Chemical Carcinogenesis
  • Hormonal and Environmental Factors Affecting Cell Proliferation and Neoplasia in the Mammary Gland
  • Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Cancers of the Uterus in Animals
  • Hormonal Factors and Molecular Genetic Features of Ovarian Cancer
  • Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Thyroid Gland Carcinogenesis
  • Cancer of the Prostate and Testes in Humans and in Animals
  • Diet and Hormonal Carcinogenesis in Humans
  • Hormonal Effects in Carcinogenesis
  • Transplacental Hormonal Carcinogenesis
  • Risk Estimations in Hormonal Carcinogenesis
  • Perspectives on Environmental Impact and Human Cancers.

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