Parallel and distributed computing handbook
Parallel and distributed computing handbook
(Computer engineering series)
McGraw-Hill, c1996
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全27件
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Includes index
From the field's top experts comes the most comprehensive reference of its kind ever published. Here is the comprehensive, authoritative reference on parallel and distributed systems that everyone who works with or follows this rapidly advancing technology has long needed. Featuring contributions from a stellar team of international experts - and reviewed by an equally elite group of editorial advisors - the Handbook is packed with the type of late-breaking, proprietary information you just can't find in any other single source. Each individual chapter provides an overview of central developments and future directions in a specific area - delivered by a recognized expert in that discipline, and supported by an abundance of illustrations and data tables. You'll find complete accounts of: theoretical foundations upon which the technology is being built, along with algorithms, models, and paradigms; cutting edge architectures and technologies; and the latest industrial and commercial applications across a range of fields, including numerous case histories and development tolls.
A true compendium of the current knowledge about parallel and distributed systems - and an incisive, informed forecast of future developments - the Handbook is clearly the standard reference on the topic, and will doubtless remain so for years to come.
Introduction.The High Performance Computing Milieu.Theory, Foundations, Algorithms, Models and Paradigms.Architectures and Technologies.Architectures.Technologies.Tools and Applications, Development Tools.Applications: General Issues.Case Studies.Audience.
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