Studying organizational symbolism : what, how, why?


Studying organizational symbolism : what, how, why?

Michael Owen Jones

(Qualitative research methods, v. 39)

Sage Publications, c1996

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 41



"A Sage University paper"--Cover

Bibliography: p. 63-72



Gaining a better understanding of the way organizations work through the study of the symbols connected to them is the subject of Studying Organizational Symbolism. Michael Owen Jones briefly discusses the most obvious symbolic aspects of organizations--corporate logos, office sizes, use of titles--but focuses on the less obvious but crucial aspect of expressive forms of symbolism--storytelling, institutional jargon, and workplace personalization, among others. Jones carefully defines organizational symbolism and then explains the various methodologies that assist the researcher in documenting it. Finally, he examines the symbolism inherent in doing research on organizations. Researchers interested in any facet of organizational studies will find Studying Organizational Symbolism to be a useful and necessary guide.


What Is Organizational Symbolism? How and Why Study It? Getting Started Observing Performances, Stylistics, and Meaning Making Inquiring about Symbolism, Feelings, and Aesthetics Recording Performances versus Reconstructing Texts Being Aware of the Symbolics of Research

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