The battles of the Somme, 1916 : historiography and annotated bibliography


The battles of the Somme, 1916 : historiography and annotated bibliography

compiled by Fred R. van Hartesveldt

(Bibliographies of battles and leaders, no. 17)

Greenwood Press, 1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



The 1916 Anglo-French offensive comprising the battles of the Somme marked a change in the Allies' relationships, with the British beginning to play a more important role. From contemporaries to the present the Somme has also produced a number of controversies. This book shows the current state of historians' interpretations of the Somme. The initial section presents the historical background of the offensive, lays out the major interpretative disputes, and identifies the scholars and works in each school of thought. The second section provides a bibliography of more than 700 entries. The initial section of the book presents the historical background of the offensive and lays out the major interpretative disputes about it. The section identifies scholars and works in each school of thought, enables readers to determine where a specific work fits in the spectrum of views, and provides cross references to the bibliography. The second section provides an annotated bibliography of more than 700 entries.


Acknowledgments Introduction and Historical Background Archival Sources, Official Histories, and Surveys Generalship and Strategy Tactics Technology Conclusion: Who Won? Annotated Bibliography Index

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