Case study & computing : advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior


Case study & computing : advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior

Robert W. Lawler, Kathleen M. Carley

Ablex, c1996

  • : paper
  • : cloth


Case study and computing

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



: cloth ISBN 9781567501285


What do you do with a mountain of video tapes and case study information? How can you make sense of the data and progressively improve your ideas? Current technologies for capturing, analysing, and representing data and knowledge allow the researcher to present, examine, and interpret human behaviour at a level of detail not possible previously.

: paper ISBN 9781567501322


What do you do with a mountain of video tapes and case study information? How can you make sense of the data and progressively improve your ideas? Current technologies for capturing, analyzing, and representing data and knowledge allow the researcher to present, examine, and interpret human behaviour at a level of detail not possible previously. Computer-based tools for managing and analyzing data can increase the credibility and precision of the case method and move the analysis of such studies into the empirical realm without loss of the detail. In this work, the authors develop and illustrate the use of varied computational techniques for analyzing case data about both individual behaviour and social interaction.

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