The Java application programming interface


The Java application programming interface

James Gosling, Frank Yellin

(The Java series)

Addison-Wesley Pub., 1996-

  • v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper
  • v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • v. 1. Core packages
  • v. 2. Window toolkit and applets



v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper ISBN 9780201634532


The popularization of the World Wide Web has catapulted the Java language into the limelight. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented language that was designed to be robust, secure, and to run on a variety of machines and operating systems. Like HTML pages, compiled Java programs are network- and platform-independent. With Java as an extension language, Web browsers can have almost unlimited capabilities. The Java Application Programming Interface describes the libraries that every programmer can use to write Java applications and applets. These two volumes were written by the development team that created the Java API. They are authoritative, accurate, comprehensive, and completely up to date. Volume 1: Core Packages describes the libraries that are the foundation of the Java language. These libraries include java.lang, java.util, and These are the general-purpose libraries fundamental to every Java program. Volume 2: Window Toolkit and Applets describes the libraries that you can use to create sophisticated and visually appealing Java applications and applets. In addition, this volume illustrates how you can create embedded programs that can be transported safely across the network. These libraries include java.awt, java.awt.image, java.awt.peer, and java.applet. Every Java programmer who wants to create secure, efficient, portable, and robust applications should have a thorough knowledge of the Java API. 0201634538B04062001


VOLUME I. Preface. A Bit of History. About The Java Series. Contributors to the API. About the Java Packages. References. Class Hierarchy Diagrams. Package java.lang. Classes. Class Boolean. Class Character. Class Class. Class ClassLoader. Class Compiler. Class Double. Class Float. Class Integer. Class Long. Class Math. Class Number. Class Object. Class Process. Class Runtime. Class SecurityManager. Class String. Class StringBuffer. Class System. Class Thread. Class ThreadGroup. Class Throwable. Interfaces. Interface Cloneable. Interface Runnable. Exceptions. Class ArithmeticException. Class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Class ArrayStoreException. Class ClassCastException. Class ClassNotFoundException. Class CloneNotSupportedException. Class Exception. Class IllegalAccessException. Class IllegalArgumentException. Class IllegalMonitorStateException. Class IllegalThreadStateException. Class IndexOutOfBoundsException. Class InstantiationException. Class InterruptedException. Class NegativeArraySizeException. Class NoSuchMethodException. Class NullPointerException. Class NumberFormatException. Class RuntimeException. Class SecurityException. Class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Errors. Class AbstractMethodError. Class ClassCircularityError. Class ClassFormatError. Class Error. Class IllegalAccessError. Class IncompatibleClassChangeError. Class InstantiationError. Class InternalError. Class LinkageError. Class NoClassDefFoundError. Class NoSuchFieldError. Class NoSuchMethodError. Class OutOfMemoryError. Class StackOverflowError. Class ThreadDeath. Class UnknownError. Class UnsatisfiedLinkError. Class VerifyError. Class VirtualMachineError. Package Classes. Class BufferedInputStream. Class BufferedOutputStream. Class ByteArrayInputStream. Class ByteArrayOutputStream. Class DataInputStream. Class DataOutputStream. Class File. Class FileDescriptor. Class FileInputStream. Class FileOutputStream. Class FilterInputStream. Class FilterOutputStream. Class InputStream. Class LineNumberInputStream. Class OutputStream. Class PipedInputStream. Class PipedOutputStream. Class PrintStream. Class PushbackInputStream. Class RandomAccessFile. Class SequenceInputStream. Class StreamTokenizer. Class StringBufferInputStream. Interfaces. Interface DataInput. Interface DataOutput. Interface FilenameFilter. Exceptions. Class EOFException. Class FileNotFoundException. Class IOException. Class InterruptedIOException. Class UTFDataFormatException. Package java.util. Classes. Class BitSet. Class Date. Class Dictionary. Class Hashtable. Class Observable. Class Properties. Class Random. Class Stack. Class StringTokenizer. Class Vector. Interfaces. Interface Enumeration. Interface Observer. Exceptions. Class EmptyStackException. Class NoSuchElementException. Package Classes. Class ContentHandler. Class DatagramPacket. Class DatagramSocket. Class InetAddress. Class ServerSocket. Class Socket. Class SocketImpl. Class URL. Class URLConnection. Class URLEncoder. Class URLStreamHandler. Interfaces. Interface ContentHandlerFactory. Interface SocketImplFactory. Interface URLStreamHandlerFactory. Exceptions. Class MalformedURLException. Class ProtocolException. Class SocketException. Class UnknownHostException. Class UnknownServiceException. Index. VOLUME II. Preface. A Bit of History. About The Java Series. Contributors to the API. About the Java Packages. References. Class Hierarchy Diagrams. Package java.awt. Classes. Class BorderLayout. Class Button. Class Canvas. Class CardLayout. Class Checkbox. Class CheckboxGroup. Class CheckboxMenuItem. Class Choice. Class Color. Class Component. Class Container. Class Dialog. Class Dimension. Class Event. Class FileDialog. Class FlowLayout. Class Font. Class FontMetrics. Class Frame. Class Graphics. Class GridBagConstraints. Class GridBagLayout. Class GridLayout. Class Image. Class Insets. Class Label. Class List. Class MediaTracker. Class Menu. Class MenuBar. Class MenuComponent. Class MenuItem. Class Panel. Class Point. Class Polygon. Class Rectangle. Class Scrollbar. Class TextArea. Class TextComponent. Class TextField. Class Toolkit. Class Window. Interfaces. Interface LayoutManager. Interface MenuContainer. Exceptions. Class AWTException. Errors. Class AWTError. Package java.awt.image. Classes. Class ColorModel. Class CropImageFilter. Class DirectColorModel. Class FilteredImageSource. Class ImageFilter. Class IndexColorModel. Class MemoryImageSource. Class PixelGrabber. Class RGBImageFilter. Interfaces. Interface ImageConsumer. Interface ImageObserver. Interface ImageProducer. Package java.awt.peer. Interfaces. Interface ButtonPeer. Interface CanvasPeer. Interface CheckboxMenuItemPeer. Interface CheckboxPeer. Interface ChoicePeer. Interface ComponentPeer. Interface ContainerPeer. Interface DialogPeer. Interface FileDialogPeer. Interface FramePeer. Interface LabelPeer. Interface ListPeer. Interface MenuBarPeer. Interface MenuComponentPeer. Interface MenuItemPeer. Interface MenuPeer. Interface PanelPeer. Interface ScrollbarPeer. Interface TextAreaPeer. Interface TextComponentPeer. Interface TextFieldPeer. Interface WindowPeer. Package java.applet. Classes. Class Applet. Interfaces. Interface AppletContext. Interface AppletStub. Interface AudioClip. Index. 0201634538T04062001

v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper ISBN 9780201634594


The popularization of the World Wide Web has catapulted the Java language into the limelight. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented language that was designed to be robust, secure, and to run on a variety of machines and operating systems. Like HTML pages, compiled Java programs are network- and platform-independent. With Java as an extension language, Web browsers can have almost unlimited capabilities. The Java Application Programming Interface describes the libraries that every programmer can use to write Java applications and applets. These two volumes were written by the development team that created the Java API. They are authoritative, accurate, comprehensive, and completely up to date. Volume 1: Core Packages describes the libraries that are the foundation of the Java language. These libraries include java.lang, java.util, and These are the general-purpose libraries fundamental to every Java program. Volume 2: Window Toolkit and Applets describes the libraries that you can use to create sophisticated and visually appealing Java applications and applets. In addition, this volume illustrates how you can create embedded programs that can be transported safely across the network. These libraries include java.awt, java.awt.image, java.awt.peer, and java.applet. Every Java programmer who wants to create secure, efficient, portable, and robust applications should have a thorough knowledge of the Java API. 0201634597B04062001


VOLUME I. Preface. A Bit of History. About The Java Series. Contributors to the API. About the Java Packages. References. Class Hierarchy Diagrams. Package java.lang. Classes. Class Boolean. Class Character. Class Class. Class ClassLoader. Class Compiler. Class Double. Class Float. Class Integer. Class Long. Class Math. Class Number. Class Object. Class Process. Class Runtime. Class SecurityManager. Class String. Class StringBuffer. Class System. Class Thread. Class ThreadGroup. Class Throwable. Interfaces. Interface Cloneable. Interface Runnable. Exceptions. Class ArithmeticException. Class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Class ArrayStoreException. Class ClassCastException. Class ClassNotFoundException. Class CloneNotSupportedException. Class Exception. Class IllegalAccessException. Class IllegalArgumentException. Class IllegalMonitorStateException. Class IllegalThreadStateException. Class IndexOutOfBoundsException. Class InstantiationException. Class InterruptedException. Class NegativeArraySizeException. Class NoSuchMethodException. Class NullPointerException. Class NumberFormatException. Class RuntimeException. Class SecurityException. Class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Errors. Class AbstractMethodError. Class ClassCircularityError. Class ClassFormatError. Class Error. Class IllegalAccessError. Class IncompatibleClassChangeError. Class InstantiationError. Class InternalError. Class LinkageError. Class NoClassDefFoundError. Class NoSuchFieldError. Class NoSuchMethodError. Class OutOfMemoryError. Class StackOverflowError. Class ThreadDeath. Class UnknownError. Class UnsatisfiedLinkError. Class VerifyError. Class VirtualMachineError. Package Classes. Class BufferedInputStream. Class BufferedOutputStream. Class ByteArrayInputStream. Class ByteArrayOutputStream. Class DataInputStream. Class DataOutputStream. Class File. Class FileDescriptor. Class FileInputStream. Class FileOutputStream. Class FilterInputStream. Class FilterOutputStream. Class InputStream. Class LineNumberInputStream. Class OutputStream. Class PipedInputStream. Class PipedOutputStream. Class PrintStream. Class PushbackInputStream. Class RandomAccessFile. Class SequenceInputStream. Class StreamTokenizer. Class StringBufferInputStream. Interfaces. Interface DataInput. Interface DataOutput. Interface FilenameFilter. Exceptions. Class EOFException. Class FileNotFoundException. Class IOException. Class InterruptedIOException. Class UTFDataFormatException. Package java.util. Classes. Class BitSet. Class Date. Class Dictionary. Class Hashtable. Class Observable. Class Properties. Class Random. Class Stack. Class StringTokenizer. Class Vector. Interfaces. Interface Enumeration. Interface Observer. Exceptions. Class EmptyStackException. Class NoSuchElementException. Package Classes. Class ContentHandler. Class DatagramPacket. Class DatagramSocket. Class InetAddress. Class ServerSocket. Class Socket. Class SocketImpl. Class URL. Class URLConnection. Class URLEncoder. Class URLStreamHandler. Interfaces. Interface ContentHandlerFactory. Interface SocketImplFactory. Interface URLStreamHandlerFactory. Exceptions. Class MalformedURLException. Class ProtocolException. Class SocketException. Class UnknownHostException. Class UnknownServiceException. Index. VOLUME II. Preface. A Bit of History. About The Java Series. Contributors to the API. About the Java Packages. References. Class Hierarchy Diagrams. Package java.awt. Classes. Class BorderLayout. Class Button. Class Canvas. Class CardLayout. Class Checkbox. Class CheckboxGroup. Class CheckboxMenuItem. Class Choice. Class Color. Class Component. Class Container. Class Dialog. Class Dimension. Class Event. Class FileDialog. Class FlowLayout. Class Font. Class FontMetrics. Class Frame. Class Graphics. Class GridBagConstraints. Class GridBagLayout. Class GridLayout. Class Image. Class Insets. Class Label. Class List. Class MediaTracker. Class Menu. Class MenuBar. Class MenuComponent. Class MenuItem. Class Panel. Class Point. Class Polygon. Class Rectangle. Class Scrollbar. Class TextArea. Class TextComponent. Class TextField. Class Toolkit. Class Window. Interfaces. Interface LayoutManager. Interface MenuContainer. Exceptions. Class AWTException. Errors. Class AWTError. Package java.awt.image. Classes. Class ColorModel. Class CropImageFilter. Class DirectColorModel. Class FilteredImageSource. Class ImageFilter. Class IndexColorModel. Class MemoryImageSource. Class PixelGrabber. Class RGBImageFilter. Interfaces. Interface ImageConsumer. Interface ImageObserver. Interface ImageProducer. Package java.awt.peer. Interfaces. Interface ButtonPeer. Interface CanvasPeer. Interface CheckboxMenuItemPeer. Interface CheckboxPeer. Interface ChoicePeer. Interface ComponentPeer. Interface ContainerPeer. Interface DialogPeer. Interface FileDialogPeer. Interface FramePeer. Interface LabelPeer. Interface ListPeer. Interface MenuBarPeer. Interface MenuComponentPeer. Interface MenuItemPeer. Interface MenuPeer. Interface PanelPeer. Interface ScrollbarPeer. Interface TextAreaPeer. Interface TextComponentPeer. Interface TextFieldPeer. Interface WindowPeer. Package java.applet. Classes. Class Applet. Interfaces. Interface AppletContext. Interface AppletStub. Interface AudioClip. Index. 0201634597T04062001

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