Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic, 1343-1490 : chivalry and crusade from John of Gaunt to Henry the Navigator


Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic, 1343-1490 : chivalry and crusade from John of Gaunt to Henry the Navigator

P.E. Russell

(Collected studies series, CS496)

Variorum, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This collection consists of 17 studies on 14th- and 15th-century historical topics. The topics include the English political, diplomatic and military interventions in the affairs of the peninsular kingdoms, and the maritime expansion of Portugal in the African Atlantic.


  • Part One Studies relating to the English diplomatic and military interventions in the Iberian peninsula during the hundred years war (1343-1400): Joao Fernandes Andeiro at the court of John of Lancaster 1371-1381
  • on the sources of Ferno Lopes
  • Fernao Lopes and the text of the treaty of Santarem
  • Portuguese galleys in the service of Richard II 1385-1389
  • "King of Castile and Leon, Duke of Lancester" - John of Gaunt's Spanish court
  • medieval Portuguese students at Oxford University
  • una alianza frustrada - las bodas de Pedro I de Castilla y Juana Plantaganet
  • the war in Spain and Portugal
  • archivists as historians - the case of the Portuguese 15th-century royal chroniclers
  • the Nessus-shirt of Spanish history. Part 2 Studies relating to Prince Henry the Navigator and to the 15th-century maritime expansion of Portugal: Prince Henry the Navigator
  • Castilian documentary sources for the history of the Portuguese expansion in Guinea, in the last years of the reign of Dom Afonso V
  • new light on the text of Eustache de la Fosse's "Voiaige a la Guinee" 1479-1480
  • some socio-linguistic problems concerning the 15th-century Portuguese discoveries in the African Atlantic
  • Prince Henry the Navigator - the rise and fall of a culture hero
  • white kings on black kings - Rui de Pina and the problem of black African sovereignty
  • Prince Henry and the necessary end.

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