
Companies without borders : transnational corporations in the 1990s

[UNCTAD, Division on Transnational Corporations and Investment]

International Thomson Business Press, 1996

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 61



Includes bibliographical references and index



As well as looking closely at the global context and developments in international business theory, the articles in this collection cover: the changing relationship between transnational corporations and governments; foreign direct investment and international migration; the promotion of transnational investment; foreign direct investment and economic development; trade and foreign direct investment policies; the North American Free Trade Agreement and foreign direct investment; and East Asian investment and trade. This volume is aimed at students and researchers in international business.


  • Transnational corporation and the changing international economic system, Charles-Albert Michalet
  • transnational corporations - where are they coming from, where are they headed, Raymond Vernon
  • foreign direct investment and economic development, T. Ozawa
  • re-evaluating the benefits of foreign direct investment, John Dunning
  • foreign direct investment as part of the privatization process, Maurice Odle
  • the role of foreign direct investment in the transition from planned to market economies, Carl MacMillan
  • foreign direct investment and international migration, Karl Sauvant et al
  • the North American Free Trade Agreement and foreign direct investment, Michael Gestrin and Alan M. Rugman
  • East Asian investment and trade - prospects for growing regionalization in the 1990s, Carlos Primo Braga and Geoffrey Bannister
  • the growing interdependence between transnational corporations and governments, John Stopford
  • trade and foreign direct investment policies - pieces of a new strategic approach to development, Manuel Agosin and Francisco J. Prieto
  • international regulation of transnational business - providing the missing leg of global investment standards, John Klein
  • the domestic domain - the new international policy area, Sylvia Ostry.

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