Topological algorithms for digital image processing


Topological algorithms for digital image processing

edited by T. Yung Kong, Azriel Rosenfeld

(Machine intelligence and pattern recognition, v. 19)

Elsevier, 1996



The work looks at basic topological algorithms, presenting their underlying theory and discussing their applications. The notations and terminologies used in the text introduce readers to the even wider variety that exists in the literature dealing with topological algorithms. Some of the basic terminology and fundamental concepts of digital topology are reviewed in the appendix, which also describes important areas of the field.


  • Connected component labelling and adjency graph construction
  • shrinking binary images
  • skeletons of planar patterns
  • parallel connectivity-preserving thinning algorithms
  • on the soundness of surface voxelizations
  • connected, oriented, closed boundaries in digita spaces - theory and algorithms
  • boundaries in digital spaces - basic theory. Appendix: digital topology - a brief introduction and bibliography.

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