Wise moves in hard times : creating and managing resilient colleges and universities



Wise moves in hard times : creating and managing resilient colleges and universities

David W. Leslie, E.K. Fretwell, Jr

(The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series)

Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1996

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references (p. 289-295) and index



Leslie and Fretwell have produced as good a book as I have seen in the timely field of higher education's response to it pervasive long-range financial dilemmas. --D. Bruce Johnstone, university professor and former chancellor, State University of New York


Preface xi The Authors xxi Part One: Hard Times 1 Common Lessons from Hard Times 3 2 Sources of Stress 29 3 Impact of Stress 53 Part Two: Searching for Solutions 4 Mission and Organization 77 5 Decisions and Conflict 107 6 Teaching and learning in a New Era 135 Part Three: Wise Moves 7 Analyzing the Institution's Condition 165 8 Triage 195 9 Strategy and Realism: Promoting Enlightened Change 217 10 Resilience in Times of Fiscal Stress 245 11 Unfinished Business 277 References 289 Index 296

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