Tomorrow by design : a regional design process for sustainability
Bibliographic Information
Tomorrow by design : a regional design process for sustainability
(The Wiley series in sustainable design)
J. Wiley, c1996
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Bibliography: p. 243-251
Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
The "regional design process" is a method for guiding developments towards less fragile lands, and preserving centres of natural resources within developed areas. This text discusses what the regional design process is, and how it can be applied to different regions.
Table of Contents
- Regional design - national overview: an integrated ethic
- national growth strategies
- communicating national values and visions. Regional overview - the upper midwest: application and evolution of the design process
- pattern analysis and design
- regional constellation design - circle city
- communicating regional values and visions. The local overview: a catalogue of E.A.C. local community projects
- interdisciplinary imperative
- application of the regional design process.
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