Text : transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship


Text : transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship

edited by D.C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill ; Peter L. Shillingsburg, book review editor

AMS Press, c1984-

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Text : an interdisciplinary annual of textual studies

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v. 9-: subtitle: An interdisciplinary annual of textual studies

Editor varies

v. 7-: published: Ann Abor : the University of Michigan Press



v. 5 ISBN 9780404625559


Comprising the transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, this work covers such topics as the social approach to editing, applying methodologies of textual criticism to scholarly editions of music, manuscript collation and the authorship of "Timon of Athens".


  • Presidential Address 1989 - In Praise of Apparatus, Jo Ann Boydston
  • What is Critical Editing?, Jerome J. McGann
  • Theory and Praxis in the Social Approach to Editing, T.H Howard-Hill
  • A Response to T.H. Howard-Hill, Jerome J. McGann
  • Auditorial Intention and Editorial Problems, Fredson Bowers
  • The Subject Presumed to Know - Implied Authority and Editorial Apparatus, Clayton Delery
  • Black and White and Read All Over - A Meditation on Footnotes, Patricia S. White
  • Bibliography and a Feminist Approach to Literary Production, Katie King
  • When Accidentals are Substantive - Applying Methodologies of Textual Criticism to Scholarly Editions of Music, Ronald Broude
  • The Practice of Manuscript Collation, John Whittaker
  • Manuscript Variation and Syntactic Change, Margaret E. Winters
  • Editing the Unique Manuscript - The Case of the Lille Plays, Alan E. Knight
  • The Towneley Plays Manuscript (HMI) - "Compilatio" and "Ordinatio", Martin Stevens
  • Textual Instability and the Late Medieval Reputation of Some Middle English Literature, John Thompson
  • The Authorship of "Timon of Athens", M.W.A. Smith
  • Information upon Information, Random Clod
  • Multiple Authorship and the Question of Authority, Jack Stillinger
  • Views from "The Attic" - The Publication of Canadian Works in Canada and Abroad, Mary Jane Edwards
  • Bibliography and the Canadian Connection, Joel Myerson
  • Howell's "Venetian Life" as a Vertical Text - Authors/Writers, Text(s) and Copy-Text Theory, Daniel Rubey
  • Remaking Himself - Yeats' Revisions of his Early Canon, George Bornstein.

v. 7 ISBN 9780472106158


The University of Michigan Press announces that it will assume the annual publication of "TEXT: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship," beginning with Volume 7. As the journal of the Society for Textual Scholarship, "TEXT" has always had a strong commitment to the theory as well as the practice of textual scholarship, and the new imprint strengthens this association. It will continue to be the best single source for keeping up with and following the increasingly active debate within the international textual community. The Society for Textual Scholarship is an interdisciplinary organization devoted to providing a forum for the discussion of the cross-disciplinary implications of current research in various areas of contemporary textual work. These areas include the discovery, enumeration, description, bibliographical analysis, editing, and annotation of texts in disciplines such as literature, history, musicology, theater, film, linguistics, classical and biblical studies, philosophy, art history, history of science, legal history, computer science, library science, lexicography, epigraphy, paleography, codicology, and textual and literary theory. The contents of "TEXT" reflect this interdisciplinary concern and this range of fields. "TEXT 7" continues the tradition of offering its readers a series of sophisticated essays on specific textual problems, written by acknowledged experts in each field, balanced by a certain concern for those general problems in textual scholarship that all editors, bibliographers, and textual critics (not to mention literary critics) must confront. It is thus a further contribution to the "discourse" of the text and is as critical andideological as it is descriptive and analytical. The volume is organized in the same way as earlier ones, with an opening section of articles dealing with theoretical matters (e.g., Paul Eggert on document and text and Joseph Grigely on textual space), followed by articles arranged in chronological order of subject from medieval (e.g., Mary-Jo Arn on punctuation and Daniel Mosser on editing the "Canterbury Tales") to Renaissance (e.g., Ted-Larry Pebworth on coterie poetry and Ernest W. Sullivan II on Donne) to modern (e.g., Heather Bryant Jordan on T. S. Eliot and Lawrence Rainey on Pound). Most of the essays in the chronological section also have a substantial theoretical argument. The final section of the volume consists of review-essays and reviews that give a thorough account and evaluation of books and editions while situating them in the various current debates on author, text, and culture. Highlights include reviews of editions of Marlowe, Burton, Johnson, and Thackeray and of George Landow's "Hypertext," Ian Small and Marcus Walsh's "Theory and Practice of Text-Editing," and D. C. Greetham's "Textual Scholarship," D. C. Greetham is Professor of English, City University of New York Graduate Center. W. Speed Hill is Professor of English, City University of New York. Peter Shillingsburg is Professor of English, Mississippi State University. All three are on the board of the Society for Textual Scholarship.

v. 8 ISBN 9780472107162


Like previous volumes, TEXT 8 stresses interdisciplinary coverage and problems of theory. Highlights of the opening section on theoretical matters include Philip Gossett's Knowing the Score: Italian Opera as Work and Play; the essays from the Society for Textual Scholarship conference session on Fredson Bowers's Wider Influence, which include David Vander Meulen on Bowers and Studies in Bibliography, Conor Fahy on Bowers in Italian studies, Wallace Kirsop on Bowers and the French connection, David R. Whitesell on Bowers and Spanish drama, and Hiroshi Yamahita on Bowers and modern Japanese; and John Lavagnino on Reading, Scholarship, and Hypertext Editions; and Stephen Orgel on What Is a Character? The essays in the chronologically arranged section run from Tim William Machan on the invention of Chaucer by Renaissance and later editors, to Ellen J. Burns on the phenomenological study of the libretto of Mozart's Magic Flute, to J. C. C. Mays on editing Coleridge in the historicized present, to Tom Lavazzi on versions of Armand Schwerner's design tablet. The twenty reviews and review-essays include Don Cook's comprehensive account of the history of the Thoreau edition and Philip Cohen's discussion of the marketing and making of Huck Finn, Paul Eggert on multiple authorship, G. Thomas Tanselle on the Pennsylvania edition of Jennie Gerhardt, and Paul Liss on the Beckett theatrical notebooks. D. C. Greetham is Professor of English, City University of New York Graduate Center. W. Speed Hill is Professor of English, City University of New York. Peter Shillingsburg is Professor of English, Mississippi State University.

v. 9 ISBN 9780472107742


Continuing the series that collects the best interdisciplinary work in textual scholarship, "TEXT 9" features an exploration by Suzanne Gossett on why women should be interested in editing male authors; a study of the critical reception of Raphael's coloring in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries by Janis Bell; Roy Flannagan on editing Milton; and Deirdre Phelps on the place of the book in the development of literary sociology. Of special note is a cluster of essays on teaching textual criticism by George Bornstein, Philip Cohen, Hans Walter Gabler, and David Holdeman. And the volume includes, as always, a host of reviews on recent textual criticism and new critical editions. D. C. Greetham is Professor of English and Medieval Studies, City University of New York Graduate School. W. Speed Hill is Professor of English, City University of New York. Peter Shillingsburg is Professor of English, Mississippi State University.

v. 11 ISBN 9780472110193


"Text 11" features eleven substantial essays, beginning with Jerome McGann's presidential address to the Society for Textual Scholarship, "Hideous Progeny, Rough Beasts: Editing as a Theoretical Pursuit." Other highlights include Kathryn Sutherland's examination of the relationship--and the changing relations--between "material text" and electronic textual formats, Kenneth Womack's study "Editing the Beatles," and Robin G. Schulze's exploration of textual development from an evolutionary perspective in "Textual Darwinism: Marianne Moore, the Text of Evolution, and the Evolving Text." The volume also includes a host of review essays and book reviews that consider recent textual and editorial approaches to Shakespeare, Henry James, Pound, Dickinson, Bakhtin, and Thackeray, among others. W. Speed Hill is Professor of English, Lehman College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Edward M. Burns is Professor of English, William Paterson College. Peter Shillingsburg is Professor of English, Mississippi State University.

v. 12 ISBN 9780472111381


Another volume in the distinguished annual

v. 14 ISBN 9780472112722


Volume 14 continues to offer international perspectives on textual scholarship, including contributions by Robert Adams, Nancy B. Black, Patrizia Botta, Gabrielle Dean, Dayton Haskin, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Geert Lernout, Jerome McGann, Marita Mathijsen, and R. G. Siemens, on topics ranging from Shakespearean apparatus to the editorial theory of electronic objects. Items under review include D. C. Parker's The Living Text of the Gospels and editions of Yeats, Eliza Haywood, Thomas De Quincey, and Theodore Dreiser. W. Speed Hill is Professor of English, Lehman College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

v. 16 ISBN 9780472114948


The newest volume in this distinguished annual Volume 16 continues to offer international perspectives on textual scholarship, including contributions by David Greetham, Jerome McGann, Peter L. Shillingsburg, H.T.M. Van Vilet, Geert Lerhout, Dirk Van Hulle, Burghard Dedner, Cristina Urchueguia, Robert Adams, T.H. Howard-Hill, Andrew Murphy, J.C.C. Mays, Jack Stillinger, George Bornstein, Neil Fraistat, Elizabeth Loizeaux, Marjorie Perloff, Johanna Drucker, Charles Bernstein, Marta Werner, Craig Baker, John Bryant, Hans Walter Gabler, James Hutchison, Roger Ludeke, Theresa Tinkie, Clive Probyn, and Mary Jane Edwards, on topics ranging from the textuality of a 1999 presidential address to theories on visual textuality.

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  • ISBN
    • 0404625509
    • 0404625517
    • 0404625525
    • 0404625533
    • 0404625541
    • 040462555X
    • 0404625568
    • 0472106155
    • 047210716X
    • 0472107747
    • 0472109235
    • 0472110195
    • 0472111388
    • 0472111949
    • 0472112724
    • 0472113356
    • 0472114948
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類