Metallic effluents of industrial origin in the marine environment : a report


Metallic effluents of industrial origin in the marine environment : a report

prepared for the Directorate-General for Industrial and Technological Affairs and for the Environment and Consumer Protection Service of the European Communities by l'Association europeenne oceanique

Graham & Trotman for the Commission of the European Communities, 1977


Bibliography: p. 207-212



Based on a unique industrial European membership, the European Oceanic Association, "non-profit Association has as its object the pooling of talents, resources and ex perience in the marine field with the purpose of promoting in Europe a concentration of efforts to foster the study and exploration of the seas in the light of their industrial exploitation" (articZe 2 of the statutes). The major concern of protecting the marine environment, whilst at the same time taking into consideration the present constraints on economic and industrial develop ment, has led the European Oceanic Association to establish constructive contacts with the Commission of European Communities. Following an interview in November 1972 with leading representatives of the Commission of European Communities and with the heads of the Environment and Consumer Pro tection Service, contacts were established which resulted, in May 1973, in the signing of a contract for studies between the Commission of European Communities and the European Oceanic Association. The essential point of the contract granted to the Associa tion was: " a contribution to the study of a preventative technology with the aim of arresting the deterioration of the marine environment by limiting and controlling present and future wastes". As a result of working groups between interested members of the Association, an area of study was chosen, comprising: - specific subjects relative to polluting elements or groups of elements, l.e: * chromium, * cadmium-zinc, * cyano-metallic compounds; - more general studies concerning monitoring systems; - specific and general recommendations.


1 - Principal Reasons for the Present Study and Choice of its Objectives.- 1.1 The problem of industrial metal waste disposal into the marine environment.- 1.2 Definition of the terms of reference of the study.- a. Specific subjects.- b. General scope.- 1.3 Criteria used for the selection of metals and metal complexes studied.- a. Nature and intensity of the problem.- b. Occurrence, degree and forms.- c. Estimated future industrial uses of the metals and metal complexes up to the year 1980.- 1.4 Some comments on the reasons for excluding certain metals.- a. Mercury.- b. Lead.- c. Arsenic.- d. Fluorine compounds.- e. Silicon.- 2 - Origins, Forms and Characteristics of Chromium Pollution.- 2.1 Sources and production.- a. Types of minerals.- b. Production of metal and metal compounds.- 2.2 A summary of production and utilization.- a. Production.- b. Consumption.- c. Utilization.- 2.3 Some applications.- a. Metallurgical uses.- b. Chemical production.- c. Refractory industries.- 2.4 An initial examination of the qualitative and quantitive wastes produced by various industrial processes discussed previously.- a. Production losses.- b. Losses in cleaning operations in the production of special chromium steels and more specifically, stainless and refractory steels.- c. Losses on utilization.- d. Other sources of losses to the environment.- 2.5 An examination of various known preventative techniques for waste products containing chromium.- a. Hexavalent chrome (CrVI).- b. Trivalent chrome (CrlIII).- c. Industrial examples.- d. General economic information on the treatment of chromium containing effluents.- 3 - Origins, Forms and Characteristics of Zinc and Cadmium Pollution.- 3.1 Sources and production.- a. Types of minerals.- b. Production of the metal and metal derivatives.- 3.2 Summary of production and utilization.- a. Zinc industry.- b. Cadmium industry.- 3.3 Utilization.- a. Zinc.- b. Cadmium.- 3.4 A preliminary discussion on the qualitative and quantitative waste products produced by various industries.- a. Zinc.- b. Cadmium.- 3.5 Summary of the preventative techniques known for effluents containing zinc and/or cadmium.- a. Zinc.- b. Cadmium.- 4 - Origins, Forms and Characteristics of Pollution by Cyano-Metal Compounds.- 4.1 Summary of large-scale methods of production of cyanides and cyano-metal compounds.- a. Hydrocyanic acid - HCN.- b. Alkaline cyanides.- c. Calcium cyanides.- d. Other cyano-metallic compounds.- 4.2 Main industrial sectors concerned in the uses of cyanides and cyano-metallic compounds.- a. Electroplating.- b. Mining industry.- c. Metallurgy.- d. Synthetic fibre industry.- e. Other sectors.- 4.3 Census of various known prevention techniques for effluents containing cyanides and cyano-metal compounds.- a. General.- b. Destruction procedure by chlorine (hypochlorite or chlorine gas).- c. Treatment with peroxides.- d. Electrolytic oxidation.- e. Catalytic oxidation.- f. Ozone oxidation.- g. E.I. Dupont process (Nemours).- h. Other complementary methods of treatment.- i. Some general economic data on the treatment of cyanide containing effluents.- 5 - Measuring and Monitoring Systems of the Different Known forms of Pollution for the Polluting Elements or Compounds Concerned.- 5.1 Water quality.- a. General aspects.- b. Toxicology of water.- 5.2 Parameters of interest to water quality.- a. Physical parameters.- b. Standard chemical parameters.- c. Oxygen balance.- d. Eutrophication parameters.- e. Odorous compounds.- f. Mineral oils and phenols.- g. Trace metals and organic micro-pollutants.- 5.3 Monitoring systems.- a. General aspects.- b. Characteristics of monitoring systems.- c. Manual and automatic systems.- d. Stations for automatic systems.- 5.4 Analytical techniques.- a. Methods for water analysis.- b. General comments concerning sea water in particular.- c. Method of analysis for chrome.- d. Methods of analysis for zinc and cadmium.- e. Methods of analysis for cyanide and cyano-compounds.- 5.5 General economic data.- a. Introduction.- b. Monitoring networks.- c. Measurement of heavy metals.- d. Automatic monitoring of heavy metals.- e. Conclusions.- 6 - The Eco-Toxicological Risks Involved.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 General considerations.- 6.3 Supply routes and self-regulation of concentration in the marine environment.- a. Supply routes.- b. Self-regulating processes.- 6.4 Transfer to the bios.- a. Marine flora.- b. Marine fauna.- 6.5 Biological mechanisms (absorption-distribution-fixation).- a. Gills.- b. Digestive level.- c. Cutaneous-mucus level.- 6.6 Interaction parameters.- a. Physico-chemical.- b. Biological.- 6.7 Toxity of elements or compound pollutants under consideration in this report.- a. Impact.- b. Analysis and evaluation.- c. Summary table.- 6.8 Evolutionary variability - Phenomena of adaptation.- a. Form in the environment.- b. Variability: time/concentration - transport mechanisms - biotopes.- c.Adaptation.- 6.9 Transfer to man.- a. Metabolism.- b. Interaction between compounds.- c. Toxicity.- 6.10 Impact of marine pollution on man.- a. At the level of contact.- b. At the level of food supply poisoning.- c. Degradation of the environment.- 6.11 Research on the practical threshold of the marine environment.- 7 - Conclusions - General and Specific Recommendations.- 7.1 General recommendations.- a. Behaviour of wastes (salts and compounds) in the marine environment.- b. The problem of reproducibility of analytical results.- 7.2 Specific recommendations.- a. Preliminary considerations.- b. Specific recommendations.- 7.3 Suggestions for pilot action plans.- a. Multi-element centralized purification platforms.- b. Establishment of a dispersion and accumulation model for a given region in the marine environment for those polluting elements studied in the present report (chromium, cadmium, zinc, cyano-metal compounds).- c. Study of sorption phenomenon of polluting elements (heavy metals and/or organo halogens).- Annex 1 - General Synoptic Diagram of Pollution Caused by the Production and the Various uses of Chromium.- Annex 2 - General Synoptic Diagram of Pollution Caused by the Production and the Various uses of Cadmium and Zinc.- List of Industrial Groups Members of the A.E.O. and Persons Who Contributed to the Study.

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