Abnormal psychology : integrating perspectives


Abnormal psychology : integrating perspectives

G. Terence Wilson ... [et al.]

Allyn and Bacon, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 695-737) and indexes



Drawing on their substantial experience as researchers, scientist-practitioners, and teachers, the authors have created a comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date text. The authors convey a sense of the excitement inherent in discovering deeper understandings of the nature and treatment of psychopathologies. The body of information is presented in an engaging style - good writing combined with extensive examples and cases, showing the human side of disorders and treatment. A strong critical thinking emphasis helps draw students into the material. Additionally, the authors carefully weave an integrated story. By looking at the biological, psychological, and social factors that interact to produce and explain abnormal behavior, the authors help students better understand the disorders and their treatment. This integrated approach is further reflected in a biopyschosocial model in each of the disorders chapters. The authors have broad and complementary areas of research and clinical experience: anxiety and eating disorders (Wilson), substance abuse disorders and clinical diagnosis (Nathan), childhood disorders and family violence (O'Leary), and mood and personality disorders (Clark).


"Summary," "Key Terms," and "Critical Thinking Exercises" are at the end of every chapter. I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior. Why do we Study Abnormal Behavior? What is Abnormal Behavior? How Should We Judge Behavior? Seven Views of Abnormal Behavior Thinking About Controversial Issues: Creativity and Madness. Abnormal Behavior in the Contemporary United States. Abnormal Behavior in Midtown Manhattan, 1952-1960 Abnormal Behavior in Five US Cities, 1981-1983 Depression in a National Sample, 1990-1992. Abnormal Behavior Through History. The Ancient World The Middle Ages The Renaissance Asylums and Reforms The Rise of the Scientific Model Freud's Psychoanalytic Revolution Adolph Meyer's Psychobiology Contemporary Developments Thinking About Research: Effects of the Gulf War on Israeli Citizens. The Mental Health Professions. Clinical Psychology Psychiatry Psychiatric Social Work Psychiatric Nursing. 2. Models of Abnormal Behavior. Creating Models of Abnormal Behavior. The Biological Model. Current Understanding of Brain Disorders Thinking about Research: Schizophrenic "Voices" in the Brain Biological Bases of Normal and Abnormal Behavior Genetic Factors in Normal and Abnormal Behavior Behavioral Genetics and Gene-Environment Interactions Advances in Molecular Genetics Contributions and Shortcomings. The Psychodynamic Model. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Other Contributors to Psychodynamic Theory Contributions and Shortcomings. The Humanistic Model. Roger's Person-Centered Theory of Personality Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization Contributions and Shortcomings. The Behavioral Model. Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Contributions and Shortcomings Social Learning Theory Contributions and Shortcomings Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Treatment. The Social Consequence Model. Epidemiological Survey Data Gender and Psychopathology Race and Psychopathology Poverty and Psychopathology Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Homelessness among Male Veterans of the Vietnam War Contributions and Shortcomings The Biopsychosocial Model. 3. Diagnosis and Clinical Assessment. Diagnosis. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) Issues in Diagnosis and Classification Thinking About Social Issues: Is Bad Writing Caused by a Mental Disorder Diagnosis to Plan Treatment and Conduct Research. Psychological Assessment. Interview Methods Personality Measures Intelligence Measures Thinking About Controversial Issues: Eurocentric and Afrocentric Cultural Dimensions of Intelligence Test. Assessment of Brain Disorders. Neuropsychological Assessment Electroencephalography Neuroimaging Techniques. Behavioral Assessment. Behavioral Interviews and Direct Observation Methods Self-Monitoring and Self-Report Measures Assessment of Physiological Functioning Reliability and Utility. 4. Research Methods in the Study of Abnormal Behavior. The Scientific Study of Abnormal Behavior. Reliability Validity Theory The Importance of Research and Research Training. Research Strategies. The Controlled Experiment Thinking About Research: How Basic Research Can Change Clinical Practice Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Ethnic Diversity and the Generality of Research Findings Quasi-Experimental Research Correlational Designs Epidemiological Research Case Studies. Evaluating the Effects of Treatment. Single-Case Experimental Designs Randomized Group Designs. Ethics in Psychological Research. Thinking About Controversial Issue: The Use of Animals in Experimental Research. II. PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS. 5. Anxiety Disorders. The Biopsychosocial Model of Anxiety. The Biological Perspective The Psychological Perspective. Thinking About Social Issues: Why Are Anxiety Disorders More Common in Women Than Men? The Social Perspective. Anxiety versus Panic. Panic Disorder. Description Causes Treatment. Agoraphobia. Description Causes Treatment. Specific Phobias. Description Causes Treatment. Social Phobias. Description Thinking About Multicultural Issues: A Japanese Variation of Social Phobias Causes Treatment. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Description Causes Treatment. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Description Causes Treatment. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Description Causes Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment. 6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders. Somatoform Disorders. Conversion Disorder Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Cambodian Refugees in Los Angeles County Somatization Disorder Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Somatization Disorder Hypochondriasis Body Dysmorphic Disorder Pain Disorder. Dissociative Disorders. Dissociative Amnesia. Thinking About Controversial Issues: Repressed Memories: Real or Imagines? Dissociative Fugue Depersonalization Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder. 7. Mood Disorders. Description. Types of Mood Episodes Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Cross-Cultural Differences in Depression Types of Mood Disorders Issues and Problems Prevalence and Risk Factors Thinking About Gender Issues: Gender Differences in Rates of Depression Suicide. Causes. Biological Factors Psychosocial Factors Thinking About Social Issues: Is Marriage a Mental Health Risk for Women? Biopsychosocial Approach Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Major Depression. Treatment. Biological Therapies Psychological Therapies Comparative Outcome Research Biopsychosocial Approach. 8. Sexual Disorders. Sexual Dysfunction. Desire Disorders Arousal Disorders Orgasmic Disorders Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Erectile Disorder Thinking About Social Issues: The Sexual Double-Standard for Men and Women Pain Disorders Treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction Summarizing Treatment Effectiveness. Paraphilias. Description Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Sexual Dysfunction in Gays and Lesbians Thinking About Controversial Issues: Pee-Wee's Punishment Causes Treatment. Gender-Identity Disorders. Gender-Identity Disorder Sexual Disorders Not Otherwise Specified. 9. Substance-Related Disorders. Historical Perspectives. Diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders. Early Diagnostic Conceptions The DSM-IV Substance-Related Disorders Americans with Substance-Related Disorders Thinking about Multicultural Issues: A Life on the Street with "Crack." The Nature of Substance Abuse and Dependence. Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Nicotine Dependence Thinking about Social Issues: The Embattled Tobacco Industry Amphetamine Abuse and Dependence Cocaine and "Crack" Abuse and Dependence Sedative-Hypnotic Abuse and Dependence Opioid Abuse and Dependence Hallucinogen Abuse and Dependence Cannabis (Marijuana and Hashish) Abuse and Dependence. Causes of Substance Abuse and Dependence. Genetic/Biological Factors Thinking about Research: Are Children of Alcoholics Marked for Life? Sociocultural Factors Learning-Based Factors Psychpathological and Personality Factors A Biopsychosocial Model. Treatment of Substance Abuse and Dependence. Group and Family Therapy Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model perspective on Substance-Related Disorders Behavior Therapy Detoxification Pharmacological Interventions Self-Help Groups Stages of Change in Addictions Treatment. Effectiveness of Prevention and Treatment Programs. Preventing Substance Abuse Preventing the Consequences of Substance Abuse Treating Substance Abuse. 10. Psychological Factors Affecting Health. A Historical Overview. Psychosomatic Medicine Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology. The Relationship between Mental Health and Physical Health. Stress and Illness. A Response Model A Stimulus Model A Biopsychosocial Model Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on How Stress Can Lead to Disease Thinking about Gender Issues: Sex Differences in Health and Maturity. Psychological Effects on Biological Mechanisms. Immune System Function and Disease Thinking About Controversial Issues: Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Chinese American Traditions and Mortality Rates. Psychological Determinants of Health-Promoting and Health-Damaging Behaviors. Adherence Obesity AIDS. Prevention and Treatment of Health-Damaging Behavior. Biofeedback Relaxation Training Interventions for Multiple Risk Factor. 11. Eating Disorders. Description. Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Bulimia Nervosa Binge-Eating Disorder Thinking About Controversial Issues: Are Eating Disorders a Form of Addiction. Causes. Genetic Factors Biological Factors Dieting Psychological Factors Thinking About Social Issues: Why Are Eating Mainly Confined to Women? Social/Cultural Factors Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Ethnic Identity and Eating Disorders. Treatment. Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorder. 12. Personality Disorders. Personality and Personality Disorders. Background Classification of Personality Disorders. Description. Cluster A: Odd and Eccentric Personality Disorders Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, and Erratic Personality Disorders Cluster C: Anxious and Fearful Personality Disorders Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Issues and Problems in Categorizing Personality Disorders. Epidemiology Thinking About Multicultural Issues: The International WHO Study-Personality Disorders around the World Reliability Validity Dimensional Approaches to Describing Personality Disorders. Causes. Biological Factors Thinking About Research: Why Don't Psychopaths Learn-Or Do They? Psychosocial Factors Thinking About Social Issues: Battered Woman Syndrome: Victim of Violence or Dependent and Self-Defeating Personality? Biopsychosocial Approach. Treatment. Pharmacotherapy Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Interpersonal Psychotherapy Cognitive Therapy Behavior Therapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy. 13. Schizophrenia. Description. Prevalence Thinking About Gender Issues: Why Do Males Have Earlier Ages of Onset? Definitions and Symptoms Phases and Types of Schizophrenia. Causes. Biological Factors Thinking About Controversial Issues: How Should Schizophrenia be Subtyped? Psychological Factors Social Class Factors A Biopsychosocial Model of Schizophrenia Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Are Rates of Schizophrenia Constant across the World? Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Schizophrenia Family Variables. Treatment. Pharmacological Treatment Psychological Treatments Combined Pharmacological, Psychological, and Social Interventions. Summary. Important Terms and Concepts. III. DEVELOPMENTAL AND LIFE SPAN DISORDERS. 14. Childhood Disorders. Perspectives on Childhood Disorders. Prevalence. Thinking About Gender Issues: Gender Differences across Disorders. Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders. Description Causes Treatment. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Description Causes Treatment Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Anxiety Disorders. Description Causes Treatment. Enuresis. Description Causes Treatment. Learning Disorders. Description Causes Treatment. Thinking About Controversial Issues: Teen Pregnancy and Abortion. Thinking About Research Issues: Does Play Therapy Work? Depression. Description Causes Treatment. 15. Mental Retardation and Autistic Disorder. Mental Retardation. A Historical Overview Diagnosis of Mental Retardation The Epidemiology of Mental Retardation The Nature and Causes of Mental Retardation Thinking About Social Issues: Does Poverty Lead to Mental Retardation-or the Other Way Around? Mental Retardation and Mental Illness Prevention of Mental Retardation and Care for People who Are Mentally Retarded Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Mental Retardation Thinking About Controversial Issues: A Safe Haven fort the Profoundly Retarded? Autistic Disorder. The Nature of Autistic Disorder The Course of Autistic Disorder Causes of Autistic Disorder Treatment of Autistic Disorder Thinking About Controversial Issues: Do Autistic Children Have to be Punished in Order to Learn? Curing Autistic Disorder. 16. Cognitive Disorders. Normal Aging, Healthy Aging. Cognitive Disorders. A Historical Overview The Nature and Causes of Cognitive Disorders Thinking About Controversial Issues: Can Brain Function Be Localized? Assessment of Cognitive Disorders. Cognitive Disorders Due to Pathological Aging. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Alzheimer's Disease Thinking About Research: Differentiating Normal from Pathological Memory Deficits Vascular Dementia Treatment and Prevention. Other Cognitive Disorders. Substance-Induced Cognitive Disorders Cognitive Disorders Due to General Medical Conditions Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Culturally Tailored Messages Reduce the Risk of HIV and AIDS. 17. Violence: Partner Abuse, Rape, and Child Abuse. Description. Partner Abuse Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Prevalence of Wife Abuse in African-American and White Couples Rape Thinking About Research Issues: How Do Children Cope with Being Sexually Abused? Causes. Partner Abuse Integrating Perspectives: A Biopsychosocial Model Perspective on Partner Abuse Rape. Treatment. Partner Abuse Rape Child Abuse Thinking About Social Issues: Society versus Individual Rights: What to Do with Sex Offenders Released from Prison. IV. TREATMENT. 18. Individual Psychological Therapies. Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapies. Psychoanalytic Concepts and Techniques Neo-Freudian Therapies Brief Psychodynamic Therapies An Evaluation of Psychodynamic Therapies. Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Goals and Strategies An Evaluation of Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapies. Carl Roger's Person-Centered Therapy Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Ethnic and Cultural Differences in Psychotherapy Gestalt Therapy. Behavior Therapy. Applied Behavior Analysis The Stimulus-Response Approach Treatment Methods An Evaluation of Behavior Therapy. Cognitive Therapy. Rational-Emotive Therapy Beck's Cognitive Therapy. Psychotherapy Integration. Technical Eclecticism The Common Factors Approach. The Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies. Thinking About Controversial Issues: Do Therapists' Credentials Matter? Meta-Analysis. The Future of Psychotherapy. Health Care Reform Psychotherapy and High Technology. Thinking About Gender Issues: The Feminization of Psychotherapy. 19. Marital, Family, Group, and Community Therapies. Marital Therapy. Prevalence and Impact of Marital Problems. Thinking About Gender Issues: Why Get Married? Treatment of Marital/Relationship Problems Effectiveness of Marital Therapy. Family Therapy. Family Systems Therapy Problem-Solving Therapy Integration of Family and Behavior Therapy Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Designing Mental Health Services That Address Hispanic Family Values. Group Therapy. Gestalt Therapy Alcoholics Anonymous. Community Therapy. Therapeutic Communities Community Psychology Thinking About Social Issues: A Call for Primary Prevention of Dating Violence. 20. Biological Therapies. Medications. Antidepressants Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Do Certain Medications Affect Asians Differently? Lithium Antianxiety Medications Thinking About Gender Issues: Gender Differences in Drug Prescriptions Antipsychotic Medications Psychostimulants Thinking About Social Issues: Should We All Get Psychostimulants? Electroconvulsive Therapy. Discovery Current Use. Psychosurgery. V. LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES. 21. Legal and Ethical Issues. Legal Issues. Mental Health Professionals and the Law Dangerousness and the Duty to Warn Civil Commitment Thinking About Social Issues: People Who Are Homeless and Mentally Ill Patients' Rights Competency and Responsibility Thinking About Multicultural Issues: Who Says Justice Is Blind? Ethical Issues. Professional Ethics Thinking About Controversial Issues: The Vietnam War and the Ethics of Combat Psychiatry Ethical Issues in Research Ethical Standards and the Law. Glossary. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0205175783
  • LCCN
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  • ページ数/冊数
    xxi, 778 p.
  • 大きさ
    29 cm
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