The psychology of religion : an empirical approach
The psychology of religion : an empirical approach
Guilford Press, c1996
2nd ed
- : acid-free paper
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全23件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Bibliography: p. 455-521
Includes indexes
This volume presents the most comprehnsive survey of the empirical literature on the psychology of religion available today. Like its predecesor, the second edition of The Psychology of Religion emphasises scientific work that is moving the psychology of religion into the mainstream of academic psychology, rather than the broad interpretive and conceptual discussions of religion. Ideally structured as a text, the volume's chapters each integrate findings according to theory or theories that best illuminate them, allowing instructors the flexibility to assign any or all of the chapters according to the design of their courses. Completely revised and updated, this second edition incorporates data on the impact of the family and schools into an expanded chapter on religious socialization, and also includes a new discussion of religion and coping. Throughout, the text is greatly enhanced by the wealth of empirical research that has been conducted during the past decade.
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