Behavior in organizations : understanding and managing the human side of work


Behavior in organizations : understanding and managing the human side of work

Jerald Greenberg, Robert A. Baron

Prentice Hall, 1996

6th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book provides future managers with basic information about human beings and their behavior within the context of a business environment. It includes such issues as how to motivate people, how to give them feedback on their performance, how to influence them, and how to help them cope with stress. By examining the factors that contribute to an ever-changing business word, it will teach tomorrow's managers to develop, train, and motivate high-performance employees in a world of constant change.


I. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: AN INTRODUCTION. (NOTE: Each chapter begins with a Preview Case and includes Summary and Review and Questions for Discussion.)- 1. The Nature and Study of Organizations. Preview Case:Is This Any Way to Run an Airline? Herb Kelleher Thinks So. Organizational Behavior: A Working Definition. Organizational Behavior Today: Characteristics of the Field. Organizational Behavior: A Capsule History of the Field. Organizational Behavior: A Capsule History of the Field. Theory and Research: Tools for Learning about Behavior in Organizations. Case in Point: GE's New Washer Cleans Up Appliance Park. Skills Portfolio. Take it to the Net. 2. Work in the 21st Century: The Changing World of People and Organizations. Preview Case: Fostering Diversity at Texas Instruments: Mission Accomplished. Globalization and Culture: Today's International. The Shifting Demographics of the Workforce: Trends toward Diversity. Trends in Working Arrangements: New Organizational Forms and Jobs. The Quality Revolution: Total Quality Management and Reengineering. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Ethical Organization. Case in Point: Steve Jobs Goes "Siliwood" : A Virtual Toy Story. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. Part I Video Case: When Employees Become Owners. II. BASIC HUMAN PROCESSES. 3. Perception and Learning: Understanding and Adapting to the Work Environment. Preview Case: Taco's Tower of Knowledge Pays Off Big! Social Perception: The Process of Understanding Others. The Attribution Process: Judging the Causes of Others' Behavior. The Imperfect Nature of Social Perception: Bias and How to Overcome It. Perceiving Others: Organizational Applications. Learning: Adapting to the World Around Us. Applications of Learning in Organizations. Case in Point: Training on a Shoestring at Connors Communication. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Saving Face in Japan, Where Renting Acquaintances in Big Business. The Ethics angle: The Tailhook Scandal: Vicariously Reinforcing Unethical Behavior. The Quest for Quality: Corporate Goliath's Training Corporate Davids. 4. Individual Differences: Personality and Abilities. Preview Case: The Driving Force Behind Dell Computer. Personality: Its Basic Nature and Role in Organizational Behavior. Personality: Its Basic Nature and Role in Organizational Behavior. Work-Related Aspects of Personality. Abilities: Having What It Takes. Measuring Individual Differences: Some Basic Methods. Case in Point:Shooting the Moon at Intel. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Organization of the Future:The Potential Benefits of Boosting Self-Efficacy: Helping People Help Themselves. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Achievement Motivation and Economic Growth The Ethics Angle:Can Texts Have an Adverse Impact? Part II Video Case: Looking for the Cal Ripken Personality. III. THE INDIVIDUAL IN THE ORGANIZATION. 5. Motivation in Organizations. Preview Case: Physician Sales & Service: Big Profits from Big Ideas. Motivation in Organizations: Its Basic Nature. Need Theories of Motivation. Goal-Setting Theory. Equity Theory. Expectancy Theory. Job Design: Structuring Tasks for High Motivation. Case in Point: Keeping Boeing Flying Higher and Higher. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics Angle: Operation Frontline: Fighting the War Against Hunger. The Quest for Quality: Sabbaticals: Time Off Satisfies Many Needs Simultaneously. The Organization of the Future:Confronting the Challenge of Paying for Performance at the Top. 6. Work-Related Attitudes: Feelings about Jobs, Organizations, and People. Preview Case:Workplace Quality Yields High Interest at the Bank of Montreal. Attitudes: What Are They? Job Satisfaction: Attitudes Toward One's Job. Organizational Commitment: Feelings of Attachment Toward Organizations. Prejudice: Negative Attitudes Toward Others. Case in Point:Cultural Diversity at Exxon Chemical. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Quest for Quality: The "Happiness Index" : Assessing Job Satisfaction at Wild Oats Market. The Ethics Angle: Valuing Differences at DEC. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Dealing with Diversity: Taking the Pulse of American Companies. 7. Career Development and Work Stress. Preview Case:Back from the Brink--The Fall and Rise of Sergio Zyman. Organizational Socialization: The Process of Joining Up. Mentoring: One-on-One Socialization. Careers: New Forms, New Strategies. Stress: Its Basic Nature. Stress: Its Major Causes. Stress: Its Major Effects. Managing Stress: Some Effective Techniques. Case in Point:Toyota, The Child Care Expert? Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Organization of the Future: The Hottest Careers of the Twenty-First Century. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Why the Japanese Won't Give Up Lifetime Employment. The Ethics Angle:Fear as a Management Tool. Part III Video Case:Can Working Fathers Balance Careers and Families? IV. GROUP PROCESSES. 8. Group Dynamics and Teamwork. Preview Case: Teaming Up for a Turnaround at Published Image. Groups at Work: Their Basic Nature. The Dynamics of Individual Performance in Groups. Teams: Special Kinds of Groups. Effective Team Performance. Case in Point: XEL: The Little Telecommunications Company That Could. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics Angle: The Norm for Punishing Unethical Behavior at IBM. The Organization of the Future: Videoconferencing: Groups in Cyberspace. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Company Team Effectiveness in Japan, The United States, and Great Britain. 9. Interpersonal Communication in Organizations. Preview Case: Childress Buick/Kia: Keeping Customers Satisfied by Keeping Employees Informed. Communication: Its Basic Nature. Verbal Communication: The Written and Spoken Word. Nonverbal Communication: Speaking without Words. Individual Differences in Communication. Communication Networks: Formal Channels of Information in Grouped. Informal Communication Networks: Behind the Organizational Chart. Organizational Structure: Directing the Flow of Messages. Overcoming Communication Barriers: Techniques for Enhancing the Flow of Information. Case in Point: Communicating All the Right Messages at General Motors. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Breaking Down the Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication. The Quest for Quality:"You're Fired!" : Tips for Humanely Communicating the Bad News. The Ethics Angle: Sears Installs the "Tthics Assist" Line. 10. Decision-Making in Organizations. Preview Case: Baby Superstore: All Grown-Up. Decision Making: Its Basic Nature. The Broad Spectrum of Decisions in Organizations. Individual Decisions: How Are They Made? Individual Decisions: What Makes Them Imperfect? Group Decisions: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Groupthink: Too Much Cohesiveness Can Be a Dangerous Thing. Improving the Effectiveness of Group Decisions: Some Techniques. Case in Point: The Classic Case of Coke Classic: Fizzled Decision Making. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics Angle: Maguire Group Empowers Employees to Decide Own Ethics Polity. The Quest for Quality: Guidelines for Making Ethical Decisions. The Organization of the Future: Decisions at 30,000 Feet: Technology Helps Pilots Avoid Fatal Errors. 11. Helping, Cooperation, and Conflict in Organizations. Preview Case: Rubbermaid Hits the Skids. Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others at Work. Cooperation: Mutual Assistance in Work Settings. Conflict: Its Nature, Causes, and Effects. Conflict Management: Increasing the Benefits and Minimizing the Costs. Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression. Case in Point:When Rivals Become Mortal Enemies: How Sony Used the "Ultimate Weapon" in Thailand. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics Angle: The Costs of Whistle Blowing. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Trust: Does It Differ Around the World? The Quest for Quality: When Suppliers Become Partners--Not Adversaries. Part IV Video Case: Do communication Rituals Hold Back Women in the Workplace? V. INFLUENCING OTHERS. 12. Influence, Power, and Politics in Organizations. Preview Case: Bill Gates: He Doesn't Run the World--Yet. Organizational Influence Power and Politics: Some Key Distinctions. Social Influence: Having and Impact on Others. Individual Power: A Basis for Influence. Group or Subunit Power: Structural Determinants. Organizational Politics: Power in Action. Case in Point:Chrysler's Battle for the Boardroom. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: How Strong Is Peer Influence? Comparing the United States and Denmark. The Ethics Angle: The Prescription for a Chronic Power Abuser. The Quest for Quality: Coping with Organizational Politics: Some Techniques. 13. Leadership: Its Nature and Impact in Organizations. Preview Case: Jim Barksdale: Netting it Big at Netscape. Leadership: Its Basic Nature. Leader Traits and Behaviors. Leaders and Followers. Contingency Theories of Leader Effectiveness. Case in Point: Mary Key Cosmetics: When Success Is Not Merely Cosmetic. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Men and Women: Comparing Their Leadership Styles. The Ethics Angle: Northrop Keeps Tabs on Leader's Ethics. The Quest for Quality: How to Encourage Participation: Some Guidelines. Part V Video Case: Ben & Jerry's Recruits a New Leader to Manage Growth. VI. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES. 14. The Work Environment: Culture and Technology. Preview Case: The Clash of the Retailing Titans. Organizational Culture: Its Basic Nature. The Formation and Maintenance of Organizational Culture. Organizational Culture: Its Consequences and Capacity to Change. Technology: Its Role in Organizations. Using Technology in Modern Organizations. Case in Point: Putting the "Service" Back into United Parcel Service. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: Case in Point: NYNEX's "Guideline" to Ethical Culture. The Quest for Quality: ServiceMaster Uses Incentives to Create a Safety-Conscious Culture. The Organization of the Future: Java: "Virtual Software" Coming Soon to a Computer Near You. 15. Organizational Structure and Design. Preview Case: Rockwell International: A High-Tech Conglomerate Reborn. Organizational Structure: The Basic Dimensions of Organizations. Departmentalization: Ways of Structuring Organizations. Organizational Design: Coordinating the Structural Elements of Organizations. Interorganizational Designs: Going Beyond the Single Organization. Technology: A Major Cause--and Consequence--of Design. Case in Point: Johnson & Johnson: Separate Companies Under One Umbrella. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics angle: Alan Rappaport: Cleaner With a Conscience. The Organization of the Future: Internal Markets: Design for the Information Age. The Quest for Quality: The Joint Venture Between Universal Card and TSYS: Lessons Learned. 16. Organizational Change and Development. Preview Case: Zales Becomes a Gem of a Chain Organizational Change: An Ongoing Process. Forces Behind Change in Organizations. The Process of Organizational Change: Some Basic Issues. Resistance to Change: Will Organizational Change be Accepted? Organizational Development: The Implementation. Critical Issues in Organization Development. Case in Point: Starting Over Is a Shoe-in for Joan and David. Skills Portfolio. Take It to the Net. SPECIAL SECTIONS: The Ethics Angle: No Layoffs: A Hallmark of Life at Hallmark. The Quest for Quality: Competitive Intelligence: Planning Change by Learning About the Competition. Globalization and Diversity in Today's Organizations: Is OD Universally Effective? Cultural Barriers to Effective OD Interventions. Part VI Video Case: Telecommuting A Major Technological Change in Organizations. Glossary. Notes. Credits. Company Index. Names Index. Subject Index.

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