The endothelial cell in health and disease


The endothelial cell in health and disease

editors, John R. Vane, Gustav V.R. Born, Dieter Welzel ; with contributions of G.V.R. Born ... [et al.]

Schattauer, c1995


Includes bibliographies and index



No longer thought of as merely a simple lining of vessels, the endothelium is now regarded as a metabolically active and responsive infrastructure for the circulation of blood and the homoeostasis of all organs. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the manifestation and modulation of various diseases which have always seemed to be only loosely related to each other. This volume deals comprehensively with topics related to endothelial cells in health and disease. It encompasses pathophysiologic basics and the latest findings in endothelial research, as well as therapeutic implications, such as gene therapy, gene transfer and therapy of early-graft thrombosis.

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