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v. 2 ISBN 9780849311239
The success of the first volume of The Biology of Sea Turtles revealed a need for broad but comprehensive reviews of major recent advances in sea turtle biology. Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume II emphasizes practical aspects of biology that relate to sea turtle management and to changes in marine and coastal ecosystems. These topics include the interactions of humans and sea turtles, an introduction to sea turtle anatomy, sensory and reproductive biology, sea turtle habitat use and ecology, stress and health, and the maintenance of captured animals. This volume provides both historical and up-to-date information.
Prehistoric and Ancient Historic Interactions between Humans and Marine Turtles. The External Morphology, Musculoskeletal System, and Neuro-Anatomy of Sea Turtles. Sensory Biology of Sea Turtles. Critical Approaches to Sex Determination in Sea Turtles. Reproductive Cycles of Males and Females. Physiological and Genetic Responses to Environmental Stress. Ontogeny of Marine Turtle Gonads. Adult Migrations and Habitat Use. Variation in Sea Turtle Life History Patterns: Neritic vs. Oceanic Developmental Stages. Roles of Sea Turtles in Marine Ecosystems: Reconstructing the Past. Sea Turtle Population Ecology. Contemporary Culture, Use, and Conservation of Sea Turtles. Fisheries-Related Mortality and Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs). Social and Economic Aspects of Sea Turtle Conservation. Practical Approaches for Studying Sea Turtle Health and Disease. Sea Turtle Husbandry. Index.
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[v. 1] ISBN 9780849384226
Sea turtles have existed for millions of years, making them fascinating subjects of study. In the last 20 years, the science of sea turtle biology has expanded at an exponential rate, leading to major advances in many areas. This book synthesizes the results of these advances and focuses on how these endangered marine reptiles operate in, adapt to, and are dependent upon particular features of their marine environment. New technology in data gathering, such as DNA analyses, remote sensing, and physiological monitoring techniques, has led to a much greater understanding of the biology of the sea turtle at all stages of their life history.
Evolution, Phylogeny, and Current Status, P.C.H. Pritchard Population Genetics, Phylogeography, and Molecular Evolution, B.W. Bowen and S.A. Karl Reproduction in Sea Turtles, J.D. Miller The Nest Environment and the Embryonic Development of Sea Turtles, R.A. Ackerman Hatchling Orientation and Behavior, K.L. Lohman, B.E. Witherington, C.M.F. Lohman, and M. Salmon Habitat Utilization and Migration in Juvenile Sea Turtles, J.A. Musick and C.J. Limpus Sea Turtle Locomotion: Mechanics, Behavior, and Energetics, J. Wyneken Foraging Ecology and Nutrition in Sea Turtles, K.A. Bjorndal Age, Growth, and Population Dynamics, M.Y. Chaloupka and J.A. Musick Diving Physiology, M.E. Lutcavage and P.L. Lutz Thermal Biology, J.R. Spotilla and F.V. Paladino Hormones in the Life History of Sea Turtles, D.W. Owens Salt, Water, and pH Balance in the Sea Turtle, P.L. Lutz Health Problems and Diseases of Sea Turtles, R.H. George Human Impacts on Sea Turtle Survival, M.E. Lutcavage, P. Plotkin, B. Witherington, and P.L. Lutz Index
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v. 3 ISBN 9781439873076
Since the first volume of The Biology of Sea Turtles was published in 1997, the field has grown and matured in ways few of the authors would have predicted-particularly in the areas of physiology, behavior, genetics, and health. Volume III presents timely coverage of emerging areas as well as the integration of approaches and information that did not exist even a decade ago. The book assembles the foremost experts in each topic to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on sea turtles available today.
New areas covered include in vivo imaging of structure, spatial distributions of marine turtles at sea, epibiosis, imprinting, parasitology, and climatic effects. Life history is explored in three chapters covering age determination, predator-prey interactions, and mortality from bycatch.
The Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume III will inspire scientists and students to explore and expand their understanding of these intriguing animals. The book provides clear baseline summaries, thoughtful syntheses, and effective presentation of the most fundamental topics spanning form and function, health, distributions, behavior, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Its scope and depth make it the definitive go-to reference in the field.
Physiology as Integrated Systems. Vision. Natal Homing and Imprinting in Sea Turtles. The Skeleton: An In Vivo View of Structure. Age and Age Estimation in Sea Turtles. Molecular Genetics of Sea Turtles. Oceanic Habits and Habitats: Dermochelys coriacea. Oceanic Habits and Habitats: Caretta caretta. Feeding Biology: Advances from Field-Based Observations, Physiological Studies, and Molecular Techniques. Predators, Prey, and the Ecological Roles of Sea Turtles. Exposure to and Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants. Fisheries Bycatch of Marine Turtles: Lessons Learned from Decades of Research and Conservation. Climate Change and Marine Turtles. Free-Ranging Sea Turtle Health. Sea Turtle Epibiosis. Parasites of Marine Turtles. Index.
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