Decision support systems : an applied managerial approach


Decision support systems : an applied managerial approach

Vicki L. Sauter

Wiley, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 25



Includes index



A Practical Link Between Decision Support Systems Theory and Practice! This hands-on text goes beyond models and data to show you exactly how to offer the critical support companies need to thrive. The author focuses on how you can use what you already know about programming and modeling to develop systems that provide effective decision support. This indispensable resource: Presents topics on three levels: general theory, implications for DSS design, and code development. This arms you with practical examples you can adopt into your own systems design. Spotlights relationships among the underlying theory, the implications of theory to DSS design, and the actual coding of DSS. Highlights how applications can vary from country to country due to language and cultural differences. A separate chapter (7), International Decision Support Systems, illustrates some of the challenges associated with transnational systems. Puts you at the cutting edge of the field with a unique chapter on Object-Oriented Tools and their implications for DSS design and development. Shows you how to incorporate your ideas into the business environment (including platforms and software). A website will be available featuring cutting edge technology to update the material, demos, and links to companies and practitioners


INTRODUCTION TO DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. Decision Making. COMPONENTS OF A DSS. Data Components. Model Components. Intelligence and Decision Support Systems. User-Interface Components. Mail Components. ISSUES OF DESIGN. International Decision Support Systems. Designing a Decision Support System. Object-Oriented Technologies and Decision Support Systems Design. Implementation and Evaluation of Decision Support Systems. RELATED SYSTEMS. Group Decision Support Systems. Executive Information Systems. Photo Credits. Index.

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