New approaches to medieval Armenian language and literature
New approaches to medieval Armenian language and literature
(Dutch studies in Armenian language and literature, 3)
Rodopi, 1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references
This book offers a reevaluation of the character of medieval (12-17th century) Armenian literature and language. It contains a number of contributions by leading Armenologists (Cowe, Russell, Thomson, and Stone) and of a younger generation of scholars who attempt to confront the traditional approach of this period with the new insights gained in modern occidental medieval studies. One may call these papers New because they study the literary highlights not only of Cilician Armenia of the Crusader period, but of all Armenia and put these in a wider cultural context: the authors emphasize both inner-Armenian continuity and contemporary external (Persian, Turkish) literary and linguistic influences.
The papers concern Armenian lyrical poetry, models for the evaluation of the medieval Armenian literary production (both traditional and new), and the linguistic conditions which favoured such a production. Particular attention has been given to the cultural background of Armenian grammatical studies and to the character of the first Armenian grammars printed in the Occident.
Introduction. Theo Maarten van LINT: The Poet's Legitimation: the Case of Kostandin Erznkac'i. S. Peter COWE: Models for the Interpretation of Medieval Armenian Poetry. Robert W. THOMSON: Aspects of Medieval Armenian Exegesis. Michael E. STONE: Remarks on Vasn Ste??l??cman Asxarhi (On the Creation of the World) by Yovhannes T'lkuranc'i. James R. RUSSELL: Raiders of the Holy Cross: The Ballad of the Karos Xa??c??' (Cross of Celery) and The Nexus between Ecclesiastical Literature and Folk Tradition in Mediaeval Armenia. Andrzej PISOWICZ: How Did New Persian and Arabic Words Penetrate the Middle Armenian Vocabulary? Remarks on the Material of Kostandin Erznkac'i's Poetry. Uwe BLAESING: Bemerkungen zu arm. ko??l??inj 'Schnecke'. Jos J.S. WEITENBERG: The Role of Morphologic Variation in Medieval Armenian Poetry. Bert VAUX: A Problem in Diachronic Armenian Verbal Morphology. Roberta ERVINE: Yovhannes Erznkac'i Pluz's Compilation of Commentary on Grammar as a starting point for the study of Medieval Grammars.
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