Applications of physiological ecology to forest management


Applications of physiological ecology to forest management

J.J. Landsberg, S.T. Gower

(Physiological ecology : a series of monographs, texts, and treatises / series editor, Harold A. Mooney)

Academic Press, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



Forest management is a complex process that now incorporates information obtained from many sources. It is increasingly obvious that the physiological status of the trees in a forest has a dramatic impact on the likely success of any particular management strategy. Indeed, models described in this book that deal with forest productivity and sustainability require physiological information. This information can only be obtained from an understanding of the basic biological mechanisms and processes that contribute to individual tree growth. This valuable book illustrates that physiological ecology is a fundamental element of proficient forest management.


Forests in the Modern WorldForest Biomes of the WorldCanopy Architecture and MicroclimateForest Hydrology and Tree-Water RelationsThe Carbon Balance of ForestsSoil Organic Matter and DecompositionNutrient Distribution and CyclingChanges in Ecosystem Structure and Function During Stand DevelopmentEcosystem Process ModelsApplications of Modern Technology and Ecophysiology to Forest Management

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