Romance, gender, and religion in a Vietnamese-American community : tales of God and beautiful women


Romance, gender, and religion in a Vietnamese-American community : tales of God and beautiful women

edited by Jesse W. Nash and Elizabeth Trinh Nguyen

(Women's studies, v. 7)

E. Mellen Press, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [177]-190) and index



Offers a glimpse into the hearts and minds of Vietnamese-American women and their roles in their community. Conflict is generated by the existence of competing traditions, and this text focuses on the conflict between Confucianism and romanticism in the Vietnamese tradition. The book also utilizes insights developed in postmodern analytical circles to explain the community's seemingly contradictory reliance on opposing traditions. The study avoids the simplistic patriarchal focus, recognising that the community is much more pluralistic and complex: rather, it is a library of conflicting texts about gender, romance, and religion.

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