

    • Allen, John L.



editor, John L. Allen

(Annual editions)

Dushkin Pub., c1991- , McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2002

  • 91/92
  • 96/97
  • 02/03
  • 06/07
  • 07/08

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



91/92: 10th ed.

96/97: 15th ed.

02/03: 21st ed.

06/07: 25th ed., published by McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series

07/08: 26th ed., published by McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series



02/03 ISBN 9780072506822


A compilation of current articles from such sources as World Watch, Audobon, The Atlantic Monthly and Scientific American. These selections explore the global environment, the world's population, energy, the biosphere, natural resources and pollution. Includes a listing of related Web sites and access to the student support site Dushkin Online (www.dushkin.com/online).

06/07 ISBN 9780073515427


This twenty-fifth edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: ENVIRONMENT provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor's resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www.dushkin.com/online.


UNIT 1. The Global Environment: An Emerging World View1. How Many Planets? A Survey of the Global Environment, The Economist, July 6, 2002In a series of six interconnected short essays, the editors of The Economist present an up-to-date summary of global environmental issues, including sustainable development, the amount of information available on the environment, climate change, and the role of both technology and market forces in helping to shape the future of environmental systems.2. Five Meta-Trends Changing the World, David Pearce Snyder, The Futurist, July/August 2004The process of globalization has produced increasing modernization among both contemporary and modern cultures. Will human adaptability be enough to offset the massive culture changes that accompany such meta-trends as development of a global economy and society?3. Globalization's Effects on the Environment, Jo Kwong, Society, January/February 2005Globalization, which was supposed to be such a good thing, has become a polarizing issue for policy analysts, environmental activists, economists, and others. The idea of removing barriers to the movement of goods and services has meant an increasing impact on environmental systems through the alteration of economic systems.4. Rescuing a Planet Under Stress, Lester R. Brown, The Humanist, November/December 2003According to a National Academy of Sciences report, around 1980 the collective demands of humans upon Earth's resource base exceeded the regenerative capacity of global environmental systems. In economic terms this has produced a "bubble" economy that will keep expanding until it bursts-or until humans decide to stabilize population growth and climate and eliminate both environmental change and human poverty.UNIT 2. Population, Policy, and Economy5. Population and Consumption: What We Know, What We Need to Know, Robert W. Kates, Environment, April 2000A general consensus exists among scientists that the roots of the current environmental crisis are to be found in a combination of population growth, affluence, and increasing technology. No such consensus exists, however, about the ultimate cause of either population growth or the desire to consume. Notwithstanding this lack of agreement, society needs to sublimate the desire to acquire things for the good of the global commons.6. A New Security Paradigm, Gregory D. Foster, World Watch, January/February 2005Most people think of national security in terms of protecting a country against another World Trade Center disaster and think of the answers to such events in military terms. But there are many security dangers that do not involve rogue states or terrorists. There is an important area where environmental conditions and security issues coincide. Is it more important to preempt al Qaeda or global warming?7. Factory Farming in the Developing World, Danielle Nierenberg, World Watch, May/June 2003The spread of factory farming-the intensive raising of livestock and poultry in enclosed conditions-has allowed meat to become a more important part of diets worldwide. It has also reduced local diversity of breeds and increased the dangers from animal diseases. As more developed countries place stricter environmental regulations on factory farming, this industrialized agriculture spreads to developing countries with weaker or no legislation.8. Where Oil and Water Do Mix: Environmental Scarcity and Future Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa, Jason J. Morrissette and Douglas A. Borer, Parameters, Winter 2004-2005Much of the past history of conflict in the North African/Southwest Asian culture realm has been based in religion, ideology, and territory. Future conflict in this area is more likely to be based in environmental scarcity such as too little oil and not enough water to support the population growth that is far outpacing economic growth.9. The Irony of Climate, Brian Halweil, World Watch, March/April 2005Modern climate change is certainly producing problems for the world's farmers: changing weather is bringing the potato blight to areas of the high Andes and Kansas wheat farmers operate in an uncertain environment where rains come at the wrong time. The threat of global warming could even change the character of the monsoons, altering agriculture in the world's most populous area-South Asia.10. World Population, Agriculture, and Malnutrition, David Pimentel and Anne Wilson, World Watch, September/October 2004Late in the 20th century, the population growth finally outstripped the increase in food production. Earth's farmers have used up just about all the available arable land and have increasingly limited access to fresh water. As the world population continues to grow-even if it grows more slowly-more people will have to share less land, food, and water.UNIT 3. Energy: Present and Future Problems11. Powder Keg, Keith Kloor, Audubon, December 2002In the vast open spaces of the American West, energy development in the form of natural gas extraction competes with livestock raisers for the same land. Much of the problem lies in the curious nature of mineral rights in which the owners of the minerals under the land are often different from the owners of the land itself-and mineral rights nearly always take precedence over surface rights.12. Personalized Energy: The Next Paradigm, Stephen M. Millett, The Futurist, July/August 2004Several facts about energy consumption need to be recognized: any use of energy is going to have some negative environmental impacts, current reliance on fossil fuels cannot continue, most alternative energy systems (such as wind or solar power) are still inefficient enough to be very expensive. The solution that many energy experts are seeking is a scaling down of energy production and control-from huge power plants to those that power small areas such as cities or neighborhoods13. Wind Power: Obstacles and Opportunities, Martin J. Pasqualetti, Environment, September 2004Wind power is one of the oldest energy sources, used by power mills and water pumps for thousands of years. It is now one of the most promising of the alternative energy strategies. But in spite of its environmental attributes, wind power meets with considerable local resistance because of aesthetics, noise, and potential damage to bird populations. The proper strategy is to develop wind power in sites where it meets the least resistance.14. Hydrogen: Waiting for the Revolution, Bill Keenan, Across the Board, May/June 2004Everyone from the President of the United States to the hopeful consumer has jumped on the hydrogen energy bandwagon. This will be the energy of the future: cheap, non-polluting, and infinite in supply. But many energy experts warn that, as an alternative to other sources, hydrogen is just "a better mousetrap" when it comes to solving energy shortages. More important, it is still a mousetrap that is a long ways away from being able to catch a mouse.UNIT 4. Biosphere: Endangered Species15. Strangers in Our Midst: The Problem of Invasive Alien Species, Jeffrey A. McNeely, Environment, July/August 2004For hundreds of millennia, species emerged and stayed in relatively discrete geographical regions. With the expansion of worldwide transportation systems and goods of all kinds being moved about the world, many species have gained the capacity for movement. These invasive alien species are contributing factors in approximately 30 percent of all the extinctions of plants and animals since 1600.16. Markets for Biodiversity Services: Potential Roles and Challenges, Michael Jenkins, Sara J. Scherr, and Mira Inbar, Environment, July/August 2004The traditional approach to the protection of biodiversity has been government action and financing. As both money and action has been diverted to other purposes, those concerned with conservation of biodiversity have turned increasingly to market oriented funding sources. Private funding sources often recognize the economic benefits of preserving biodiversity more quickly than do governments.UNIT 5. Resources: Land and Water17. Dryland Development: Success Stories from West Africa, Michael Mortimore, Environment, January/February 2005Nearly 40% of the African continent is dryland with rainfa ll insufficient for intensive agriculture. In some African dryland areas desertification, or the conversion of formerly productive land to desert through overuse, has occurred. Yet, experiments in Nigeria and elsewhere have shown that careful ecosystem management can overcome environmental obstacles.18. What's a River For?, Bruce Barcott, Mother Jones, May/June 2003In the drought-stricken American West, a new round of water wars has erupted, with farmers, fishermen, ranchers, and urban dwellers all contesting for an increasingly scarce water resource. The first major river system to become a casualty in the conflict for water is the Klamath River of northern California and southern Oregon where federally mandated irrigation rights produced enough water withdrawal to cause a massive salmon dieback.19. How Much Is Clean Water Worth?, Jim Morrison, National Wildlife, February/March 2005When the value of a clean water resource is calculated in monetary terms, it becomes increasingly clear that conservation methods make both economic and ecologic sense. The tricky part is manipulating the economic system that drives our behavior so that it makes sense to invest in and protect natural assets-like clean water.20. A Human Thirst, Don Hinrichsen, World Watch, January/February 2003More than half of all the world's freshwater resources are now consumed by humans and their agricultural and industrial systems. As a consequence of increasing uses of water for irrigation, we are now seeing not just humans competing with humans-but farmers against factories-for water. What is now emerging in some areas of the world is interspecies competition for a dwindling resource.UNIT 6. The Hazards of Growth: Pollution and Climate Change21. Agricultural Pesticides in Developing Countries, Sylvia I. Karlsson, Environment, May 2004The environmental dangers of many agricultural pesticides and other chemicals have been recognized in the United States and other industrialized countries for decades. But the tradeoffs between increased agricultural production and the use of these chemicals is a difficult one for developing countries where their use has increased rather than decreased.22. The Quest for Clean Water, Joseph Orlins and Anne Wehrly, The World & I, May 2003The United States is far ahead of much of the world in cleaning up its surface water supplies, due to the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972. Although water pollution problems persist in the United States, those problems are less severe than in most of the world's less-developed countries. It has been estimated that nearly one-third of the world's people suffer from diseases associated with polluted water.23. A Little Rocket Fuel with Your Salad?, Gene Ayres, World Watch, November/December 2003Chemicals, whether natural or man-made, have a way of not only working their way into environmental systems but becoming concentrated in those systems as a result of the process of bioaccumulation. As materials such as perchlorate-a primary component of rocket fuels-escapes from military containment and enters groundwater systems, it often appears in dangerous concentration in vegetables that use that water.24. How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?, William F. Ruddiman, Scientific American, March 2005A controversial new interpretation of climate history suggests that our ancestors who first developed agriculture may have prevented a new ice age by engaging in land use practices that led to global warming. If a handful of farmers with primitive technologies could alter global environments, what can modern fossil-fuel based technologies do?25. Can We Bury Global Warming?, Robert H. Socolow, Scientific American, July 2005By increasing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, human kind is engaging in an uncontrolled experiment. Once in the atmosphere, this greenhouse gas is difficult to remove. An experimental method of injecting CO2 into underground formations of sedimentary rock, however, might allow for carbon sequestration that would be sufficient to reduce the threat of global warming.26. Dozens of Words for Snow, None for Pollution, Marla Cone, Mother Jones, January/February 2005While the Arctic is often thought of as one of the world's last pristine environments, in fact, it is one of the most polluted. Pollution of the northern high latitudes is the result of wind and water currents that carry toxic industrial wastes from cities and factories in Russia, Europe, and North America into the Arctic Ocean and, thence, into the food chain that feeds the people of the Far North.

07/08 ISBN 9780073515441


This Twenty-Sixth Edition of ANNUAL EDITIONS: ENVIRONMENT 07/08 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press. Organizational features include: an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; a general introduction; brief overviews for each section; a topical index; and an instructor's resource guide with testing materials. USING ANNUAL EDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM is offered as a practical guide for instructors. ANNUAL EDITIONS titles are supported by our student website, www.mhcls.com/online.


  • Unit 1 The Global Environment: An Emerging World View 1. 39696 How Many Planets? A Survey of the Global Environment, The Economist, July 6, 2002 In a series of six interconnected short essays, the editors of The Economist present an up-to-date summary of global environmental issues, including sustainable development, the amount of information available on the environment, climate change, and the role of both technology and market forces in helping to shape the future of environmental systems. 2. 39266 Five Meta-Trends Changing the World, David Pearce Snyder, The Futurist, July/August 2004 The process of globalization has produced increasing modernization among both contemporary and modern cultures. Will human adaptability be enough to offset the massive culture changes that accompany such meta-trends as development of a global economy and society? 3. 41792 Globalization's Effects on the Environment, Jo Kwong, Society, January/February 2005 Globalization, which was supposed to be such a good thing, has become a polarizing issue for policy analysts, environmental activists, economists, and others. The idea of removing barriers to the movement of goods and services has meant an increasing impact on environmental systems through the alteration of economic systems. 4. 42911 Do Global Attitudes and Behaviors Support Sustainable Development?, Anthony A. Leiserowitz, Robert W. Kates, and Thomas M. Parris, Environment, November 2005 Sustainable development is necessary in order to meet human needs and maintain the life-support systems of the planet. Advocates of achieving sustainability on a global scale recognize that significant change in values, attitudes, and behavior in human societies will be necessary before sustainability can be achieved. 5. 41793 The Climax of Humanity, George Musser, Scientific American, September 2005 The 21st century did not begin as many expected it would. No flying cars, no robotic homes, and no colonies in space. Rather, what the beginning of the century finds are: demographic patterns that were unexpected even 25 years ago
  • economic problems that seem unsolvable
  • and political trends that were unpredicted. The next few decades could bring unparalleled prosperity or environmental collapse.Unit 2 Population, Policy, and Economy 6. 27952 Population and Consumption: What We Know, What We Need to Know, Robert W. Kates, Environment, April 2000 A general consensus exists among scientists that the roots of the current environmental crisis are to be found in a combination of population growth, affluence, and increasing technology. No such consensus exists, however, about the ultimate cause of either population growth or the desire to consume. Notwithstanding this lack of agreement, society needs to sublimate the desire to acquire things for the good of the global commons. 7. 41794 A New Security Paradigm, Gregory D. Foster, World Watch, January/February 2005 Most people think of national security in terms of protecting a country against another World Trade Center disaster and think of the answers to such events in military terms. But there are many security dangers that do not involve rogue states or terrorists. There is an important area where environmental conditions and security issues coincide. Is it more important to preempt Al Qaeda or global warming? 8. 45337 Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?, Brian Halweil, World Watch, May/June 2006 The traditional view of organic farming is that it is too expensive to operate on scales large enough to feed the world's population. A new idea developing among agribusiness executives, scientists, and international agriculture experts is that shifting to organic farming at the global scale could both increase the world's food production and reduce hunger. 9. 41795 Where Oil and Water Do Mix: Environmental Scarcity and Future Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa, Jason J. Morrissette and Douglas A. Borer, Parameters, Winter 2004-2005 Much of the past history of conflict in the North African/Southwest Asian culture realm has been based in religion, ideology, and territory. Future conflict in this area is more likely to be based in environmental scarcity-such as too little oil and not enough water-to support the population growth that is far outpacing economic growth. 10. 41796 The Irony of Climate, Brian Halweil, World Watch, March/April 2005 Modern climate change is certainly producing problems for the world's farmers: changing weather is bringing the potato blight to areas of the high Andes, and Kansas wheat farmers operate in an uncertain environment where rains come at the wrong time. The threat of global warming could even change the character of the monsoons, altering agriculture in the world's most populous area-South Asia. 11. 45338 Avoiding Green Marketing Myopia, Jacquelyn A. Ottman, Edwin R. Stafford, and Cathy L. Hartman, Environment, June 2006 Traditional approaches to green marketing or the marketing of products designed to be environmentally sound have focused on the "green-ness" of the products. Marketing specialists have learned, however, that in order to sell green products companies must not only demonstrate improved environmental quality but also satisfy customers' needs.Unit 3 Energy: Present and Future Problems 12. 41798 More Profit with Less Carbon, Amory B. Lovins, Scientific American, September 2005 The increase in fossil fuel use has contributed to global warming, and political arguments against doing anything about it are based on increased costs of reducing fossil fuel use. It could be argued, however, that conservation measures such as improving energy efficiency could not only reduce coal and oil consumption but could save a lot of money in the process. 13. 41799 Wind Power: Obstacles and Opportunities, Martin J. Pasqualetti, Environment, September 2004 Wind power is one of the oldest energy sources, used to power mills and water pumps for thousands of years. It is now one of the most promising of the alternative energy strategies. But in spite of its environmental attributes, wind power meets with considerable local resistance because of aesthetics, noise, and potential damage to bird populations. The proper strategy is to develop wind power in sites where it meets the least resistance. 14. 39652 Personalized Energy: The Next Paradigm, Stephen M. Millett, The Futurist, July/August 2004 Several facts about energy consumption need to be recognized: any use of energy is going to have some negative environmental impacts, current reliance on fossil fuels cannot continue, most alternative energy systems (such as wind or solar power) are still inefficient enough to be very expensive. The solution that many energy experts are seeking is a scaling down of energy production and control-from huge power plants to those that power small areas such as cities or neighborhoods. 15. 39653 Hydrogen: Waiting for the Revolution, Bill Keenan, Across the Board, May/June 2004Everyone from the President of the United States to the hopeful consumer has jumped on the hydrogen energy bandwagon. This will be the energy of the future: cheap, nonpolluting, and infinite in supply. But many energy experts warn that, as an alternative to other sources, hydrogen is just "a better mousetrap" when it comes to solving energy shortages. More important, it is still a mousetrap that is a long ways away from being able to catch a mouse. 16. 45341 Sunrise for Renewable Energy?, The Economist Technology Quarterly December 10, 2005 At the moment, renewable energy does not appear to be competitive with fossil fuels as a primary source of power generation. The combination of high oil prices and new renewable technologies are changing that picture, and even some large oil companies are using their offshore oil platforms for windmills to generate electricity.Unit 4 Biosphere: Endangered Species 17. 39654 Strangers in Our Midst: The Problem of Invasive Alien Species, Jeffrey A. McNeely, Environment, July/August 2004 For hundreds of millennia, species e merged and stayed in relatively discrete geographical regions. With the expansion of worldwide transportation systems and goods of all kinds being moved about the world, many species have gained the capacity for movement. These invasive alien species are contributing factors in approximately 30 percent of all the extinctions of plants and animals since 1600. 18. 39655 Markets for Biodiversity Services: Potential Roles and Challenges, Michael Jenkins, Sara J. Scherr, and Mira Inbar, Environment, July/August 2004 The traditional approach to the protection of biodiversity has been government action and financing. As both money and action has been diverted to other purposes, those concerned with conservation of biodiversity have turned increasingly to market-oriented funding sources. Private funding sources often recognize the economic benefits of preserving biodiversity more quickly than do governments.Unit 5 Resources: Land and Water 19. 41804 Dryland Development: Success Stories from West Africa, Michael Mortimore, Environment, January/February 2005 Nearly 40% of the African continent is dryland with rainfall insufficient for intensive agriculture. In some African dryland areas desertification, or the conversion of formerly productive land to desert through overuse, has occurred. Yet, experiments in Nigeria and elsewhere have shown that careful ecosystem management can overcome environmental obstacles. 20. 45343 Tracking U.S. Groundwater: Reserves for the Future?, William M. Alley, Environment, April 2006 The term groundwater reserves implies that the supply of groundwater, like other limited natural resources, can be depleted. Current rates of extraction for irrigation and other uses far exceed the rates of natural replacement, placing this precious water resource in jeopardy. The depletion of groundwater reserves has gone from being a local problem to a national-and probably even global-one. 21. 41805 How Much Is Clean Water Worth?, Jim Morrison, National Wildlife, February/March 2005 When the value of a clean water resource is calculated in monetary terms, it becomes increasingly clear that conservation methods make both economic and ecologic sense. The tricky part is manipulating the economic system that drives our behavior so that it makes sense to invest in and protect natural assets-like clean water. 22. 45344 Searching for Sustainability: Forest Policies, Smallholders, and the Trans-Amazon Highway, Eirivelthon Lima et al., Environment, January/February 2006 Commercial logging in the Amazon has traditionally been an ecologically destructive process, as cleared areas were occupied by farmers who extended the clearing process. The development of the major economic corridor of the Trans-Amazon Highway illustrates how logging can be converted from a destructive force to one that promotes sustainable development.Unit 6 The Hazards of Growth: Pollution and Climate Change 23. 39658 Agricultural Pesticides in Developing Countries, Sylvia I. Karlsson, Environment, May 2004 The environmental dangers of many agricultural pesticides and other chemicals have been recognized in the United States and other industrialized countries for decades. But the tradeoffs between increased agricultural production and the use of these chemicals are difficult for developing countries where their use has increased rather than decreased. 24. 45345 Smog Alert: The Challenges of Battling Ozone Pollution, Mark Bernstein and David Whitman, Environment, October 2005 A primary component in smog, ground-level ozone pollution, has long been known as a long- and short-term public health risk. While ozone concentrations have declined since the passage of the 1970 Clean Air Act, the progress in reducing ozone pollution has halted during the past decade and, in some instances, ozone pollution has even increased. 25. 41806 How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?, William F. Ruddiman, Scientific American, March 2005 A controversial new interpretation of climate history suggests that our ancestors who first developed agriculture may have prevented a new ice age by engaging in land-use practices that led to global warming. If a handful of farmers with primitive technologies could alter global environments, what can modern fossil-fuel based technologies do? 26. 43048 The Tipping Point, Jeffrey Kluger, Time, April 3, 2006 While the fact of global warming has long been accepted by the vast majority of the world's scientific community, the assumption has been that the warming trend would be slow, giving us the chance to change policies regarding greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, it now appears that the global environmental system has reached a threshold, past which global climate change becomes rapid. 27. 45346 Swift Boating, Stealth Budgeting, and Unitary Executives, James Hansen, World Watch, November/December 2006 The scientific thesis that anthropogenic change is altering the global environmental system has reached the point of consensus among scientists. The few scientists who do not accept global climate change are referred to as contrarians. Unfortunately, they approach the global warming problem as if they were lawyers, not scientists, whose job it is to defend a client rather than seek the truth.

96/97 ISBN 9780697315816


Containing 34 up-to-date articles on the topic of the environment taken from a variety of magazines, newspapers and journals.


  • Part 1 The global environment - an emerging world view: the world transformed
  • thought for the morrow - cumulative threats to the environment
  • ecosocietal restoration - reestablishing humanity's relationship with natural systems
  • carrying capacity Earth's bottom line
  • forging a new global partnership to save the Earth. Part 2 The world's population - people and hunger: how many is too many? reassessing the Earth's population
  • putting the bite on planet Earth
  • population, poverty, and the local environment
  • can humanity survive unrestricted population growth? Part 3 Energy - present and future problems: renewable energy technology - an urgent need, a hard sell
  • the great energy harvest
  • here comes the sun
  • tilting toward windmills
  • improving energy efficiency - making a 'no-regrets' option work. Part 4 Biosphere - endangered species: the origin and function of biodiversity
  • rain forest entrepreneurs - cashing in on conservation
  • an explosion of green
  • plundering the Boreal forests
  • a time of catastrophic extinctions - what we must do
  • flying into trouble
  • twilight of the cod. Part 5 Resources - land, water, and air: 27th environmental quality review - a year of Gridlock
  • averting a disaster
  • stopping the dry destruction
  • assault of the Earth
  • dying seas
  • freshwater failures - the crises on five continents
  • getting warmer - looking for a way out of the climate impasse. Part 6 Pollution - the hazards of growth
  • who gets polluted? a place for pesticides
  • the sudden new strength of recycling
  • nothing clean about 'cleanup'
  • environmental nightmare Russia's total mess
  • environmental information retrieval.

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