Earth's eleventh hour : environmental readings from the Washington Post Writers' Group ; edited by William O. Dwyer and Frank C. Leeming


Earth's eleventh hour : environmental readings from the Washington Post Writers' Group ; edited by William O. Dwyer and Frank C. Leeming

Allyn and Bacon, c1995

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  • Preface. 1. Overpopulation: Too Much Humanity. Overpopulation Remains World's Defining Crisis, Hobart Rowen. Worldwide Migration Nears Crisis: Politics, Economics Cited in U.N. Study, Eugene Robinson. U.S. Growth in 1980s Fueled by Immigrants: Newcomers Critical to Population Patterns, Barbara Vobejda. Clinton Must Focus on Overpopulation, Hobart Rowen. With Twice as Many People, Planet Could Expect Boom or Doom, William Booth. At Summit, Dueling Hemispheres: North-South Rift Over Overpopulation, Joel Achenbach. Manila, Catholic Church Split on Family Planning: Bishop Cites '74 Data to Charge U.S. Plot, William Branigin. The Numbered Days of Population Growth, Jonathan Yardley. World Population May Hit 10 Billion by Year 2025: Birth Control Use Not Increasing as Quickly as U.N. Agency Had Predicted, Susan Okie. Fertility Rates in Developing World Drop Sharply: Change Is Insufficient to Head Off Continued Rapid Population Growth, Study Finds, Don Oberdorfer. Family Planning in the Family of Nations, Judy Mann. Costs of Stabilizing World's Population Tallied: $10.5 Billion a Year Needed, Report Says, Susan Okie. U.S. to Resume Aiding U.N. Fund for Population Activities, Julia Preston. China Lowers Birth Rate to Levels in West: 6.5 Million Sterilized in '92, Official Says, Lena H. Sun. Developing World's Role in Global Warming Grows: Population Rise, Technology's Spread Cited, Susan Okie. 2. Atmospheric Problems: The Prospect of Global Warming. As Earth Summit Nears, Consensus Still Lacking on Global Warming's Cause, Boyce Rensberger. Global Warming Continues, But Cause Is Uncertain: Buildup of Pollutants in Earth's Atmosphere Studied
  • Definitive Evidence Is Lacking, William Booth. Global Warming's Effect on Sea Level Reexamined: Study Says Peril May Have Been Understated, Boyce Rensberger. "Greenhouse Effect" Seems Benign So Far: Warming Most Evident at Night, in Winter, Boyce Rensberger. Satellite vs. Surface: Two Points of View on Global Warming, Boyce Rensberger. Carbon Dioxide Curbs May Not Halt Warming. Clinton Sets Plan to Cut Emissions: Programs Addressing "Greenhouse Effect" Are Mostly Voluntary, Gary Lee. Climatology: Warming Could Trigger Cold Spells, Kathy Sawyer. So What If It's Getting Hot? Don't Worry About Local Warming
  • These Experts Say We'll Adapt, William Booth. 3. Atmospheric Problems: Ozone Depletion. First Summer Thinning Found in U.S. Ozone Layer: Skin Cancer Risk Increases, Experts Say, Michael Weisskopf. Ozone-Hole Conditions Spreading: High Concentrations of Key Pollutants Discovered Over U. S., Kathy Sawyer. Ozone Layer Thins Further, Possibly Because of Volcano: But Scientists Still Expect Turnaround by 2000, Boyce Rensberger. Ozone Depletion Tied to Infectious Diseases: U.N. Report Could Prompt Bid to Speed Phaseout of Chlorofluorocarbons, Michael Weisskopf. Ozone Hole's Effects Are Measured: UV Exposure Jumped in Argentine Town, Boyce Rensberger. The Costly Race to Replace CFCs: Ozone-Depleting Chemicals Force Historic Industrial Retooling, Martha M. Hamilton. U.S. to End CFC Production Four Years Earlier Than Planned: Schedule For Other Ozone-Protecting Action Reexamined, Michael Weisskopf. Study Finds Alternatives More Damaging Than Believed: Faster Phaseout to Protect Ozone Layer Supported, Michael Weisskopf. After 2000, Outlook for the Ozone Layer Looks Good, Boyce Rensberger. Decline of Ozone-Harming Chemicals Suggests Atmosphere May Heal Itself, Boyce Rensberger. 4. Atmospheric Problems: Air Pollution and Acid Rain. Mexico City Choked by Pollution Emergency: Worst Air Quality on Record Disrupts Daily Life, Edward Cody. "Tall Stacks" and Acid Rain: Northeast Suffers from Faraway Emissions, Michael Weisskopf. EPA Eases Final Rules on Industrial Pollution: Plant Emissions Could Rise without Approval, Tom Kenworthy and Dana Priest. Primary Ingredient of Acid Rain May Counteract Greenhouse Effect, William Booth. Is Acid Rain a Tempest in News Media Teapot?: Study Questioning Harm Gets Little Attention, Howard Kurtz. 5. Solid Waste: Where Should We Put It All? Garbage on the Rails: Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Containers Mask Cargo as Train Rolls Past D.C., Don Phillips. Proposal to Curtail Interstate 'Pass-the-Trash' Contracts Foments Senate Oratory, Helen Dewar. Even Cash for Trash Fails to Slow Landfill Backlash: Public Resistance Widens U.S. Garbage Gap, Michael Weisskopf. Much Ado About Yard Wastes: Area Governments Moving to Keep Clippings Out of Landfills, D'Vera Cohn. Big Mac Attacks Trash Problem: McDonald's Aims for 80 Percent Reduction of Its Solid Waste, Martha M. Hamilton. Everest: A Mountain of Trash: Even Corpses Clutter Peak's Worn Trails, John Ward Anderson. 6. Toxic Waste. Chicago's 'Toxic Wasteland' Breeds Blue-Collar Environmentalism, Michael Abramowitz. Incinerators May Face Tougher EPA Standards: Hazardous Waster Burning Is Targeted, Tom Kenworthy. Environmental Law Presses Compliance on U.S. Facilities, Thomas W. Lippman. Environmental Programs Getting Short Shrift in '93 Budgets, D'Vera Cohn. Some Toxic Substance Rules Being Dropped: Administration Did Not Appeal Court Decision, Frank Swoboda. Many Toxins Target Women Specifically, Sandy Rovner. In the Former Soviet Union, Paying the Nuclear Price: Radioactive Accidents and Dumps Sicken Generations, Michael Dobbs. 7. Pesticides. Drastic Cut in Pesticide Use Is Possible: Group Says Alternatives Such as Crop Rotation, Predator Insects Found Effective in Preventing Crop Loss, Jay Mathews. Paradox Over Produce Safety: Consumers Opt for More Fruits and Vegetables, Despite Worry Over Pesticides, Carole Sugarman. Growing Debate on Appearance's Sake: USDA, Consumer Advocates Divided Over 'Pretty Produce' Pesticides, Shari Rudavsky. EPA Issues List of 35 Suspect Pesticides: Action Might Spur Hill Efforts to Overhaul Food Safety Laws, Tom Kenworthy. Three U.S. Agencies Announce Joint Commitment to Cut Pesticide Use, Tom Kenworthy and John Schwartz. Pesticide Risk May Be Higher in Children: Citing 'Potential for Concern,' Panel Calls for More Stringent Federal Exposure Standards, Carole Sugarman. Relaxed Food Safety Rules on Pesticides to be Sought, John Schwartz. 8. Threats to the Water Resource: Groundwater, Rivers and Lakes. EPA Unveils Proposal to Protect Groundwater: A 'Yellow Light-Green Light' Pesticide Plan, Michael Weisskopf. EPA Falls Far Short in Enforcing Drinking Water Laws, Michael Weisskopf. Two Maryland Wells Tainted by Leaks: Montgomery Landfill Is Chemical Source, Retha Hill. D.C. Ordered to Urge Boiling of Tap Water: EPA Threatened Fine of $5,000 a Day, D'Vera Cohn. Drinking Water Proposals Combine Aid, Flexibility, Tom Kenworthy. The Chemical Quest for the Perfect Lawn: Pesticide, Fertilizer Runoff Ending Up in Area's Water Supply, D'Vera Cohn. Growing Lawns a Cut Above: Program Teaches Homeowners How to Cultivate Environmentally Safe Grass, Carlos Sanchez. Pollution Under Scrutiny at U.S.-Mexican Border, William Branigin. Expanding Waste Line Along Mexico's Border, Edward Cody. Poland Faces Communist Legacy of Pollution: Water That Burns Skin is Reminder That Freedom is Not Quick Cure for Fouled Environment, Blaine Harden. Great Lakes Governors Endorse Pollution Plan, Edward Walsh. 9. Threats to the Water Resource: Oceans and Bays. Is Coastal Pollution Ebbing? Some U.S. Waters Reported Cleaner in 1980s, William Booth. Ocean Contaminants Keep California Beaches Closed, Leef Smith. Environmentalists Fear Drilling Plans in Chesapeake Watershed, D'Vera Cohn. States Consider Tougher Restrictions to Ensure Success of Bay Cleanup, D'Vera Cohn. Bay Cleanup to Target Tributaries: Area Leaders Agree to Cut River Pollution, D'Vera Cohn. Fairfax Drawing a Line in the Soil: Officials Study Options for Easing Runoff Law for Chesapeake Bay, Peter Baker. Setback Feared in Shift in Cleanup of the Bay: Individuals to be Asked to Take the Burden, D'Vera Cohn. Plan to Fight Pollution at Blue Plains May Be Near After Two Years of Talks, D'Vera Cohn. A Shell Game of Survival: Reef Project is Latest Hope for Rescuing Oysters in the Bay, D'Vera Cohn. Virginia to Consider Canceling Oyster Harvest: Yield from Chesapeake Has Fallen Drastically, D'Vera Cohn and John F. Harris. As Crab Yield Falls, Scientists Claw for Clues: Climate, Cannibalism, Man Seen as Culprits in Bay Decline, D'Vera Cohn. All Around the Bay, Young Rock Strain the Seines: Amazing Recovery Appears Complete, Angus Phillips. 10. Biological Diversity: Endangered Rain Forests. Rain Forest Reprieve: Designers Are Switching to Ecologically Correct Woods, Terri Shaw. Brazil's Logging 'Free-for-All' Compounds Threat to Amazon Rain Forest, Julia Preston. Deforestation in Amazon Slowing: Last Year Saw 20 Percent Drop in Deforestation of Rain Forest, Julia Preston. Environment: Tropical Deforestation's Other Side, Boyce Rensberger. Efforts to Save Rain Forests Raise Suspicions in Brazil: Outsiders' Campaigns Find Little Support, Don Podesta. A Biodiversity Pact with a Premium: U.S. Fears Rio Treaty Would Threaten Kindred Concessions in the Future, Julia Preston. Canada, Conservationists Battle Over Rain Forest: Logging Threatens British Columbia Area, Charles Trueheart. 11. The Fight for America's Threatened Wetlands. Wetlands Protection and the Struggle Over Environmental Policy, Michael Weisskopf. Wetland Redefinition Shelved: EPA Abandons Controversial Rule Change, D'Vera Cohn. How Wetland's Fund Dried Up: Congress Traded Off Popular Experiments in its Infancy, Tom Kenworthy. Remedy for a Dying Wetland: More Fresh, Clean Water: Much-Altered Everglades Is Increasingly Hostile to Wildlife, William Booth. Everglades Revival Plan Unveiled: $465 Million Government/Industry Pact Arouses Controversy, Tom Kenworthy. Wetlands: As Ecological Value Is Documented, State Is Banking on Their Future, Robert E. Pierre. 12. Biological Diversity: Endangered Animal Species. Endangered Species Rules Streamlined: U.S. Agrees to Hasten Process on Decisions, Tom Kenworthy. U.S. Designates Sockeye Salmon an Endangered Species, Tom Kenworthy. Bag a 'Gator and Save the Species: Environmentalists Link Habitat Preservation to Sale of Skins, William Booth. Japan to End Drift Net Fishing in Bow to Worldwide Pressure: U.S. Hails 'Victory for the Ocean Environment,' Tom Kenworthy. Still Killing Whales, Colman McCarthy. Norway, Iceland Defy Ban, Will Resume Whale Hunts, Glenn Frankel. World Whaling Body Riven by Dispute: Norway Threatens to End Moratorium, T.R. Reid. Huge Seal Slaughter Defies Outcry: Namibia Defends Harvest: Activists Call It Cruel, Trivial, Paul Taylor. China and Taiwan Warned on Endangered Species, Tom Kenworthy. 13. Federal Land Use: Grazing Rights on Federal Range Lands. Public Land, Private Profit: U.S. Ranchers Face off Over Grazing Limits, John Lancaster. Desert Grazing Poses Threat, GAO Finds: Study Says Sheep and Cows Harm Sensitive Environment in Three Areas, Tom Kenworthy. Federal Grazing Fees Found Too Low: U.S. Report Likely to Fuel Congressional Efforts to Increase Charges, Tom Kenworthy. The Lesson of the Black-Footed Ferret: Grazing and Conservation Compatible, Preaches Wyoming Cattleman, Tom Kenworthy. Ranchers and Loggers are Fearful Landlord Clinton Will Raise the Rent: Pressure Building to Overhaul 1872 Mining Law, Tom Kenworthy. Natural Resource Users Facing Cuts in Subsidies: Mining, Timber, Grazing, Irrigation Affected, Tom Kenworthy. Stepping Carefully into Public Land Grazing: Babbitt Using Hearings to Seek 'Reasonable Consensus' between Cattlemen, Environmentalists, Tom Kenworthy. Babbitt's Grazing Fee Increase Unsaddled by Westerners' Rider: Senate Bars Raising Ranchers' Cost of Using Federal Range for Year, Tom Kenworthy. Battle Over Grazing Fee Plan Pits Visions of 'Old' vs. 'New' West, Tom Kenworthy. 14. Federal Land Use: Timber Rights in Federal Forests. Drawing the Line on West's Wilderness: Effort to Protect Federal Land Provokes Bitter Opposition in Utah, John Lancaster. The Owl and the Lumberjack: Can Clinton Break the Logjam? Oregon Conference Tests Ability to Reconcile Economic, Ecological Needs, Tom Kenworthy. Logging Is Top Goal in Policy Memo: Clinton Aides Outline Options for Northwest, Tom Kenworthy. Clinton to Slash Logging: Workers, Town in West to Get Aid, Tom Kenworthy. Timber Plan Brings Little Peace to Oregonians: For Logging Industry and Conservationists, Worries Over Old-Growth Forests Endure, Tom Kenworthy. Interior, Allies at Loggerheads Over Timber, Tom Kenworthy. 'Unraveling' of Ecosystem Looms in Oregon Forests: Scientists Say Recovery Could Take Century, Tom Kenworthy. 15. Government's Limitations in Environmental Preservation. Bush Between Push and Pull on Clean Air: President Being Compelled to Choose Strict Enforcement of Law or Eased Rules for Industry, Ann Devroy. Administration Considers Weakened Protection for Unpolluted Air, Michael Weisskopf. Endangered Species Act Must Change, Bush Says: People and Jobs 'Deserve Protection Too,' Ruth Marcus. Some Environmental Rules Loosened, Some Tightened: Oil Drilling on Federal Land May Proceed During Appeals Process, Interior Department Says, Tom Kenworthy. Bush was Aloof in Warming Debate: Climate Treaty Offers View of President's Role in Complex Policy, Michael Weisskopf. Cloud Over Trade Pact-Texas Too: Mexican Pollution Fuels U.S. Criticism, Tod Robberson. Oil's Superfund Loophole: Law No Help to Victims of Oklahoma Spills, Michael Weisskopf. Babbitt's New American Land Ethic Faces Crucial Test on Hill This Week: Senate Defeat on Grazing Policy Portends Further Difficulties, Tom Kenworthy. Showdown on Grazing Fees: Babbitt Acts After Filibuster Fails, Tom Kenworthy and Eric Pianin. 'Earth Budget': Waste Not, Want Not: Group Urges Redirecting $14 Billion in Spending, Thomas W. Lippman. EPA Plans to Cut Payments to Superfund Contractors: Agency Hopes to Triple Toxic Waste Cleanups by 1993, Michael Weisskopf. EPA Researchers Say New Directives Mean Too Much Paperwork, Gary Lee. At Issue in '92: Environment, Oil Recycling Success Provides Support for Differing Messages, Michael Weisskopf. Adirondack Park at 100 Years Old: Public, Private Pressures Converge: Battle Rages Over Potential Development, N.Y. State's Control of Land, Tom Kenworthy. Clinton Offers Package to 'Halt Global Warming,' Gary Lee. Costly Federal Mandates Spur Protest: States, Counties Seek Relief from Programs Imposed Without Funding, Gary Lee. Environmental Orders Irk Business Groups: White House Accused of Bypassing Congress, Tom Kenworthy.

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