Immunochemical detection of pesticides and their metabolites in the water cycle : research report /edited by B. Hock and R. Niessner
Immunochemical detection of pesticides and their metabolites in the water cycle : research report /edited by B. Hock and R. Niessner
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
VCH, 1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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An important branch of enviromental research is dealing with the distribution of pesticides and their metabolites. The development of methods, especially of the rather expensive physio-chemical procedures, has experienced considerable progress. However, to lower instrumental costs and personnel being involved, remedial measures are used and required. The highly selective and sensitive immunochemical methods are an important supplement. They can be used to cope with quantitive (enzyme immunoessays) or qualitative problems (immunolocalization of absorbed residues in soil and plant). This book introduces validated assays for pesticides and their metabolites that can be applied routinely. An extension to immunoflourescent methods further improves the sensitivity. The significance of the test development has been directly proven by screening programs including the use of model ecosystems.
- Part 1 The immunoassay approach: immunochemical assay of environmental pollutants using pesticides as an example, Bertold Hock - introduction, antibodies and antigen, basic principles of immunoassays, summary, references
- production and application of monoclonal antibodies for the determination of pesticides, Thomas Giersch and Karl Kramer - introduction, methods, results, discussion, summary, references
- validation of immunoassay for determination of triazine herbicides, Ludwig Weil et al - introduction, experimental sections, results, summary references
- immunochemical detection of biomarkers using metabolites of triazines and organophosphorous pesticides as an example, Petra M. Kramer et al - introduction, methods, results and discussion, summary, references
- new developments of immunochemical detection methods for antimicrobial drug residues and natural toxins, Gerhard Terplan et al - introduction, test formats of enzyme immunoassay, conclusions, summary, references. Part 2 Advanced techniques: application of time-resolved, laser-induced fluorescence for the immunological determination of pesticides in the water cycle, Reinhard Niessner et al - introduction, experimental methods, results, discussion, summary, references
- dyes for fluorescence immunoassays, Heinz Langhals - introduction, analysis method, combinations of fluorescent dyes with antibodies, perylene fluorescent dyes, perylene derivatives - 1,7-diazaperylene, materials and methods, summary and outlook, references
- immunoliposomes, Herbert Schott and Reto A. Schwendener - introduction, methods, results, discussion, summary, references. Part 3 Ecosystem approaches: relevance of ecosystem studies for the ecotoxicological evaluation of pesticides, Wilfried Huber et al - introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, summary, references
- the model ecosystem approach in ecotoxicity as illustrated with a study on the fate and effects of an insecticide in stagnant freshwater microcosms, Theo C.M. Brock et al - introduction, model ecosystems, advantages and disadvantages of model ecosystems, a case study on the fate and effects of an insecticide in macrophyte-dominated and macrophyte-free freshwater microcosms, summary, references. Part 4 Summary and conclusions. Part 5 Publications. Part 6 Addresses of the authors.
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