Home-owners & clearance : an evaluation of rebuilding grants
Home-owners & clearance : an evaluation of rebuilding grants
HMSO, c1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Bibliography: p. 229-231
At head of title: Department of the Environment
This summary contains the main findings and conclusions of a study evaluating a pilot rebuilding grant scheme in Saltley, Birmingham. The aim of the research was to find out whether rebuilding grants are viable as a complementary approach to urban renewal.
- Summary of the final report
- the policy context and reasons for the Pilto Rebuilding Grant Scheme
- rebuilding grants as a solution
- the Birmingham Rebuilding Grant Scheme
- a profile of the clearance area and its residents
- traditional clearance in Saltley - "Parkfield Road"
- the impact of the rebuilding grant scheme on attitudes to clearance and rehousing
- housing conditions before and after clearance
- implementation of the pilot scheme
- economic appraisal of alternatives.
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