Bondage, freedom, and beyond : the prose of Black Americans


Bondage, freedom, and beyond : the prose of Black Americans

Zenith Books, 1971

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1






  • The dark wings of slavery. Your grievances are many, by H. H. Garnet. Every slave has the right to be free, by C. L. Remond. We had to occupy a seat apart, by J. Brown. Slavery is the disease and its abolition is essential, by F. Douglass. Well, after fr
  • To secure this freedom. The masses of us are to live by the production of our hands, by B. T. Washington. The people did not choose Mr. Washington as a leader, by K. Miller. Of course we will not accept one jot or tittle less than full manhood rights, by
  • The challenge of the hour. We have passed the point of no return, by E. Robeson. A declaration of independence, by Malcolm X. Where do we go from here? By W. Strickland. The sickness of America, an editorial, by D. H. Watts from Liberator magazine. I hav

