Review questions for neuroanatomy : structural and functional


Review questions for neuroanatomy : structural and functional

by William T. Mosenthal

(Review questions series)

Parthenon Pub. Group, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3




This is a comprehensive neuroanatomy review text developed specifically for medical students preparing for Parts 1 and 2 of the National Boards and for neurology and neurosurgery house officers and neuroscience students. The book contains over 600 structure questions in anatomical order accompanied by questions on related function. These are Board-type questions designed to simulate the format and difficulty of National Board exams. Each question includes complete answers with detailed explanations. The questions are presented in 16 chapters on the autonomic nervous system, basal ganglia, blood supply, brain stem, cerebellum, cortex, cranial nerves, CSF and meninges, embryology, eye and ear, hypothalamus, limbic system, miscellaneous, spinal cord, thalamus, and tracts.


Autonomic Nervous System o Basal Ganglia o Blood Supply o Brain Stem o Cerebellum o Cortex o Cranial Nerves o CSF and Meninges o Embryology o Eye and Ear o Hypothalamus o Limbic System o Miscellaneous o Spinal Cord o Thalamus o Tracts.

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