John McCormack : a comprehensive discography



John McCormack : a comprehensive discography

compiled by Paul W. Worth and Jim Cartwright ; foreword by Gwendolyn McCormack-Pyke

(Discographies, no. 21)

Greenwood Press, 1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Bibliography: p. [175]-176

Includes index



Worth and Cartwright have compiled a comprehensive discography documenting this exceedingly long career. In a chapter devoted to `The Art of John McCormack and the Phonograph,' McCormack's vocal technique is examined, and his artistic development chronicled. His talent for blending the intellectual and the intuitive in his musical interpretation is pointed out. An account of the events of his career adds to the history of singing. Recordings are listed chronologically by recording session, and a useful alphabetic listing by song title is provided. . . . The authors carefully acknowledge indebtedness to a number of McCormack discography researchers. A bibliography and artist index conclude the volume, which is sturdily bound. All undergraduate and graduate music libraries with McCormack recordings will want this book. Choice

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