Executive governance : presidential administrations and policy change in the federal bureaucracy


Executive governance : presidential administrations and policy change in the federal bureaucracy

Cornell G. Hooton

(Bureaucracies, public administration, and public policy)

M.E. Sharpe, 1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references (p. 228-248) and index



This study explores the difficulties of translating presidential policy initiatives into ground-level policy implementation by the permanent government. Drawing on organization theory, it focuses on the ways that bureaucratic behaviours shape an agency's responsiveness to directives.


List of Tables and Figure vii List of Titles and Acronyms ix Foreword by Kenneth J. Meier xi Preface and Acknowledgments xiii Chapter I. Introduction 3 2. Changing Direction 19 3. Legalism and Authority 47 4. Programmatic Context 66 5. Political Direction 82 6. Processes of Policy Change: Institutionalization 101 7. Processes of Policy Change: Defmition 115 8. Directing Federal Bureaus 140 Appendix A The Generic Bureau-Chain of Command 163 Appendix B Research Methods 164 Appendix C Bureaus in Continuous Existence from January 1977 to January 1981 172 vi Executive Governance Appendix D The Carter Administration's Preferences for Transit Notes General Bibliography Transportation Bibliography Index

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