Proceedings of the XXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics : Faro, Portugal 1-5 September 1996
Proceedings of the XXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics : Faro, Portugal 1-5 September 1996
World Scientific, c1997
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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This volume discusses the most recent results on multiparticle production. These include the differences between quark and gluon jets from LEP at CERN, the search for the disoriented chiral condensate at Fermilab, the existence (or not) of the quark-gluon plasma and the large rapidity gaps in Hera physics. In many different experimental situations, the subject of multiparticle dynamics remains alive.Main speakers: J Antos, B J May, J D Bjorken, P Sondereger, I Tserruya, R C Hwa, R Ugoccioni, A Giovannini, C Grupen, A de Angelis, G Thompson, J Kwiecinski, B Andersson.
- Collider physics, D.R. Morrison
- searches for new physics, C. Pajares
- heavy ion collisions, M. Derrick and R. Hwa
- QCD and multiparticle production, W. Kittel
- e+e- physics, N. Schmitz
- particle production, correlations and scattering amplitude, A. Giovannini
- diffraction and deep inelastic scattering, J. Morfin and A. Andor
- summary talk, L. Andor.
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