Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems
Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems
(Cambridge studies in semiconductor physics and microelectronic engineering, 3)
Cambridge University Press, 1997
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全58件
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"First published 1995, first paperback edition (with corrections) 1997 "--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references and index
Advances in semiconductor technology have made possible the fabrication of structures whose dimensions are much smaller than the mean free path of an electron. This book gives a thorough account of the theory of electronic transport in such mesoscopic systems. After an initial chapter covering fundamental concepts, the transmission function formalism is presented, and used to describe three key topics in mesoscopic physics: the quantum Hall effect; localisation; and double-barrier tunnelling. Other sections include a discussion of optical analogies to mesoscopic phenomena, and the book concludes with a description of the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism and its relation to the transmission formalism. Complete with problems and solutions, the book will be of great interest to graduate students of mesoscopic physics and nanoelectronic device engineering, as well as to established researchers in these fields.
- 1. Preliminary concepts
- 2. Conductance from transmission
- 3. Transmission function, S-matrix and Green's functions
- 4. Quantum Hall effect
- 5. Localisation and fluctuations
- 6. Double-barrier tunnelling
- 7. Optical analogies
- 8. Non-equilibrium Green's function formalism.
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