Narratives of nostalgia, gender and nationalism
Narratives of nostalgia, gender and nationalism
Macmillan Press, 1997
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全8件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Using texts ranging from the writings of Schlegel to the speeches of the fiftieth-anniversary commemoration of D-Day, these essays explore the ways in which nostalgia brokers the relations between the master narratives of gender and the master narratives of nationalism. Although such narratives seem to present nation as an unchanging essence, these essays all deal with texts that on analysis show nationalism in an evolving response to developments, both political and cultural, that destabilize the idea of nation.
- Acknowledgements - List of Contributors - Introduction - The Future of Nostalgia in Friedrich Schlegel's Gender Theory: Casting German Aesthetics Beyond Ancient Greece and Modern Europe
- J.Steinwand - Writing Historically, Speaking Nostalgically: The Competing Languages of Nation in Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor
- J.Sorensen - From Nation of Virtue to Virtual Nation: Washington Irving and American Nationalism
- W.Sondey - The Birthing of the American Flag and the Invention of an American Founding Mother in the Image of Betsy Ross
- J.Menezes - Mother India Through the Ages: the Dilemma of Conflicting Subjectivities
- S.Sawhney - Willa Cather, Origin, and American Modernism
- J.N.Swift - Scripting Woman into the Discourse of Nostalgia: Gender and the Nation State
- H.Chari - Female Sacrifice: Gender and Nostalgic Nationalism in Rebecca West's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
- L.Stec - Where Are the Missing Contents?: Post-Modernism, Gender, and the Canon
- E.G.Friedman - Remembering D-Day: A Case History in Nostalgia
- J.Pickering - Index
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