Histological typing of cancer and precancer of the oral mucosa


Histological typing of cancer and precancer of the oral mucosa

J.J. Pindborg ... [et al.], in collaboration with L.H. Sobin and pathologists in 9 countries

(International histological classification of tumours)

Springer, c1997

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 55



Rev.ed. of: Histological typing of oral and oropharyngeal tumours / P.N. Wahi, in collaboration with B. Cohen, Usha K. Luthra, H. Torloni. 1971

Includes bibliographical references and index



This book includes more clinical aspects and concentrates on cancer and precancer of the oral mucosa rather than attempting to cover all benign and malignant tumours of the oral and oropharyngeal tissue. One main emphasis is the significance of the clinical features of the various lesions discussed. Attention is also drawn to those conditions particular to the oral mucosa that may give rise to appearances which are important in differential diagnoses but can be misleading to those who do not have detailed knowledge of the tissue involved. The TNM-classification for malignant tumours of the lip and oral cavity is also included.


Histological Classification of Cancer and Precancer of the Oral Mucosa.- Definitions and Explanatory Notes.- Carcinomas.- Benign Lesions Capable of Microscopically Resembling Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Oral Verrucous Carcinoma.- Precancerous Lesions (Clinical Classification).- Precancerous Lesions (Histological Classification).- Benign Lesions Capable of Resembling Oral Precancerous Lesions.- Precancerous Conditions.- TNM Classification of Lip and Oral Cavity Carcinomas.- Illustrations.

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