Sourcebook on criminal law
Sourcebook on criminal law
Cavendish Publishing, 1997
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
Designed for students who may not have ready access to a law library, and for students on part-time and distance learning courses, the Sourcebook series offers a collection of material from a diversity of sources. The sources are annotated to set the materials in context and to explain their relevance and importance. The author of this textbook uses case law rather than legislation to interpret linguistic uncertainties in the study of criminal law. The subject matter follows the traditional syllabuses of most English universities, and can therefore be used as a revision aid.
- Actus reus - the external elements of an offence
- mens rea - the mental element
- parties to offences
- causation
- general defences
- insanity and automatism
- general defences - intoxication
- general defences - self-defence
- duress and necessity
- infancy
- inchoate offences - attempts
- inchoate offences - conspiracy
- inchoate offences - incitement
- strict liability
- theft
- burglary
- robbery
- handling stolen goods
- offences involving deception
- criminal damage
- murder and manslaughter
- non-fatal offences against the person
- sexual offences
- offences involving weapons.
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