Designing social systems in a changing world


Designing social systems in a changing world

Bela H. Banathy

(Contemporary systems thinking)

Plenum Press, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes bibliographical references (p. 353-361) and index



In this original text/reference, Bela H. Banathy discusses a broad range of design approaches, models, methods, and tools, together with the theoretical and philosophical bases of social systems design. he explores the existing knowledge bases of systems design; introduces and integrates concepts from other fields that contribute to design thinking and practice; and thoroughly explains how competence in social systems design empowers people to direct their progress and create a truly participative democracy. Based on advanced learning theory and practice, the text's material is enhanced by helpful diagrams that illustrate novel concepts and problem sets that allow readers to apply these concepts.


Understanding Design. What is Design? Why Do We Need It. The Products and Processes of Design. The Design Landscape. Adding Value to Systems Design and How Systems Design Adds Value to the Society. Design as Multi-Dimensional Inquiry. Getting Ready for Design. Evaluation and Value Adding. The Journey Continues. Index.

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