Suicide and depression in late life : critical issues in treatment, research, and public policy


    • Kennedy, Gary J.


Suicide and depression in late life : critical issues in treatment, research, and public policy

edited by Gary J. Kennedy

(Einstein psychiatry publication, 13)

J. Wiley, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This book examines the critical issues in understanding and treating depression and suicidal behavior in late life. Chapters cover the biology, psychology, epidemiology, and sociology of depression and suicidal behavior in late life.


CRITICAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL SCIENCE. Epidemiology and Inferences Regarding the Etiology of Late-LifeSuicide (G. Kennedy, et al.). The Epidemiology of Late-Life Depression (G. Kennedy). Biological Commonalties Among Aging, Depression, and SuicidalBehavior (L. Schneider). Suicide Among Ethnic Elders (F. Baker). THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES. Clinical Measurement of Suicidality and Coping in Late Life: ATheory of Countervailing Forces (R. Plutchik, et al.). Psychotherapeutic Approaches to the Depressed and Suicidal OlderPerson and Family (J. Richman). Biological Treatment of Severe Late-Life Depression:Pharmacotherapy and Electroconvulsive Therapy (D. Hay & L.Hay). A Brief Antidepressant Prescribing Guide for the Generalist (G.Kennedy). TOWARD A MORE INFORMED PUBLIC POLICY. Death, Dying, and Assisted Suicide (R. Coomaraswamy). The Emerging Agenda for Prevention Through Research and PublicPolicy (G. Kennedy). Indexes.

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