Weber's Protestant ethic : origins, evidence, contexts


Weber's Protestant ethic : origins, evidence, contexts

edited by Hartmut Lehmann and Guenther Roth

(Publications of the German Historical Institute)

German Historical Institute , Cambridge University Press, 1995, c1993

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index

First published 1987



The historical relationship between Protestantism, capitalism, and democracy remains one of the most controversial intellectual themes of out time. Max Weber's famous thesis about the link between the 'Protestant ethic' and the 'spirit of capitalism' and its dissolution in his own era has been both widely acclaimed and heatedly disputed since its publication in 1904-5. This volume, the result of an international, interdisciplinary effort, throws light on the intellectual and cultural background of Weber's work, debates recent criticism of Weber's thesis, and confronts new historical insight on the 17th century with Weber's interpretation.


  • Introduction Guenther Roth
  • Part I. Background and Context: 1. The German theological sources and Protestant church politics Friedrich Wilhelm Graf
  • 2. The thesis before Weber: an archaeology Paul Munch
  • 3. Max Weber, Protestantism, and the debate around 1900 Thomas Nipperdey
  • 4. Weber the would-be Englishman: anglophilia and family history Guenther Roth
  • 5. Weber's historical concept of national identity Harry Liebersohn
  • 6. Nietzche's monastery of freer spirits and Weber's sect Hubert Treiber
  • 7. Weber's ascetic practices of the self Harvey Goldman
  • 8. The Protestant ethic versus the 'new ethic' Klaus Lichtblau
  • 9. The rise of capitalism: Weber versus Sombart Hartmut Lehmann
  • Part II. Reception and Response: 10. The longevity of the thesis: a critique of the critics Malcolm MacKinnon
  • 11. The use and abuse of textual data David Zaret
  • 12. Biographical evidence on predestination, covenant, and special providence Kaspar von Geryerz
  • 13. The thing that would not die: notes on refutation Guy Oakes
  • 14. Historical variability, sociological significance, and personal judgement Gianfranco Poggi
  • 15. The historiography of continental Calvinism Philip Benedict
  • 16. The Protestant ethic and the reality of capitalism in colonial America James Henretta
  • 17. The economic ethics of the world religions Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
  • 18. Meet me in St Louis: Troeltsch and Weber in America Hans Rollmann
  • List of contributors
  • Index.

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