The oldest social science? : configurations of law and modernity


The oldest social science? : configurations of law and modernity

W. T. Murphy

(Oxford socio-legal studies)

Clarendon Press, 1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Bibliograpy: p. [221]-254

Includes index



This book looks critically at some of the underlying assumptions which shape our current understanding of the role and purpose of law and society. It focuses on adjudication as a social practice and as a set of governmental techniques. From this vantage point, it explores how the relationship between law, government and society has changed in the course of history in significant ways. At the centre of the argument is the elaboration of the notion of `adjudicative government'. From this perspective it is argued that the relationship between law and society must be conceived in a different way in the era of economics, sociology and statistics. The impact of these disciplines both constitutes `modernity' and unfolds a different role for law. The author argues that the traditional vision of the role of law, rooted in a complex set of hierarchical assumptions, is no longer adequate.


  • Preface
  • 1. The Measure of the Law: Society, Government and Law
  • 2. Legal Visions of Law and Society: the Penetrative Scheme and Classical Social Theory
  • 3. The Rise and Fall of Adjudicative Government: Its Nature, Evolution and Consequences
  • 4. Adjudicative Government and Social Science
  • 5. Beyond Hierarchy? System and Lifeworld, Unity and Fragmentation of the Idea of Law
  • 6. Conclusion: Modern Law and Modern Society

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