Corporate finance : a valuation approach


Corporate finance : a valuation approach

Simon Z. Benninga, Oded H. Sarig

(McGraw-Hill series in finance)

McGraw-Hill, c1997


Includes bibliographical references and index



Designed for courses in corporate finance, this text is a detailed description of the valuation process, providing an integrated, comprehensive method for valuing assets, firms, and securities across a wide variety of industries. The presentation begins with a review of financial and accounting techniques, proceeds with a presentation of the valuation process, leading towards the development of pro-forma financial statements and the translation of these projections into values. A key strength of this text is teaching students how to use pro forma financial statements as a basis for valuation.


1. Financial Valuation Tools2. Using Financial Reporting Information3. Valuation: Processes and Principles4. Building Pro Forma Financial Statements5. Analyzing the Firm's Environment6. Analyzing the Firm's Operations 7. J. M. Smucker - Projecting Financial Performance8. Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital9. Estimating Discount Rates10. Valuation by Multiples11. Valuing the Firm's Debt12. Valuing Equity Cash Flows Directly14. Final Remarks

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