Galen on pharmacology : philosophy, history, and medicine : proceedings of the Vth International Galen Colloquium, Lille, 16-18 March 1995


Galen on pharmacology : philosophy, history, and medicine : proceedings of the Vth International Galen Colloquium, Lille, 16-18 March 1995

edited by Armelle Debru

(Studies in ancient medicine, v. 16)

Brill, 1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Articles in English, French, and German



The 14 papers in this volume were first presented at the Fifth International Galen Colloqium held in Lille in 1995 and represent a first attempt to explore systematically this vast complicated area. The contributors cover a wide variety of themes, broadly grouped as: the epistemology , method and practice of medicine, Galen and pharmacological tradition, Galen's pharmacological treatises and the transmission of pharmacological texts. Their papers shed a new light on this ancient therapeutic field and also help to understand Galen's pharmacology in its relation to the entire body of its work and thought.

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