The greatness and decline of the Celts


The greatness and decline of the Celts

Henri Hubert ; translated by M.R. Dobie

(History of civilization, . European civilization)

Routledge, 1996

  • : European civilization


Les Celtes depuis l'époque de La Tène et la civilisation celtique

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Reprint of the 1934 ed. published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner

Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-299) and index



ISBN 9780415156028


Originally published between 1920-70,The History of Civilization was a landmark in early twentieth century publishing. It was published at a formative time within the social sciences, and during a period of decisive historical discovery. The aim of the general editor, C.K. Ogden, was to summarize the most up-to-date findings and theories of historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and sociologists. This reprinted material is available as a set or in the following groupings, or as individual volumes: * Prehistory and Historical Ethnography Set of 12: 0-415-15611-4: GBP800.00 * Greek Civilization Set of 7: 0-415-15612-2: GBP450.00 * Roman Civilization Set of 6: 0-415-15613-0: GBP400.00 * Eastern Civilizations Set of 10: 0-415-15614-9: GBP650.00 * Judaeo-Christian Civilization Set of 4: 0-415-15615-7: GBP250.00 * European Civilization Set of 11: 0-415-15616-5: GBP700.00


  • Part One: Celtic Expansion in the La TEne Period
  • I: The Celts in Italy
  • II: The Celts in the East
  • III: The Celts in the West. Italy and Spain
  • IV: The Celts in the West. Germany and Gaul
  • V: Celtic Gaul
  • Part Two: The End of the Celtic World
  • II: The Romans in Italy, Spain, and Gaul
  • II: The Romans in Britain
  • II: The End of Celtic Britain and Ireland. Saxons, Scots, and Norsemen
  • Part Three: The Civilization of the Celts
  • III: The Objects and Method of a Sociological Study of the Celts
  • III: The Structure of Society. Legal and Political Institutions
  • III: The Structure of Society (continued) The Religion of the Celts and the Druidic Priesthood
  • III: The Setting of Social Life
  • III: Social Activities

: European civilization ISBN 9780415156165


Originally published between 1920-70,The History of Civilization was a landmark in early twentieth century publishing. It was published at a formative time within the social sciences, and during a period of decisive historical discovery. The aim of the general editor, C.K. Ogden, was to summarize the most up to date findings and theories of historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and sociologists. This reprinted material is available as a set or in the following groupings: * Prehistory and Historical Ethnography Set of 12: 0-415-15611-4 * Greek Civilization Set of 7: 0-415-15612-2 * Roman Civilization Set of 6: 0-415-15613-00 * Eastern Civilizations Set of 10: 0-415-15614-9 * Judaeo-Christian Civilization Set of 4: 0-415-15615-7 * European Civilization Set of 11: 0-415-15616-5

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  • ISBN
    • 0415156025
    • 0415156165
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 原本言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xvi, 314 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID