
Weegee's world

Weegee ; [edited by] Miles Barth ; essays by Miles Barth, Alain Bergala, Ellen Handy

(A Bulfinch Press book)

Little, Brown, 1997

  • : hc
  • : pb


"First published by Editions du Seuil, Paris, in conjunction with the exhibition 'Weegee's World' organized by the International Center of Photography, New York, on view at ICP from November 21, 1997 through February 22, 1998"--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references


: hc ISBN 9780821223758


Weegee was the archetypal hard-boiled tabloid photographer. From the 1930s to the 1960s his images of murder, mayhem and the seamy inderside of New York set a new standard for immediacy and wit - and influenced a generation of of imitators. Working with a Speed Graphic and an on-camera flash, he shot in a stark, punchy, in-your-face style, often capturing his subjects in a startling blast of light. This retrospective showcases his jolting work - and captures bygone New York at its most raucous, dangerous and outrageous. Here are Weegee's grisly murders, shocking accidents, gawking crowds and other signature crime-and-disaster shots, along with his equally arresting human interest and high society images - 265 high-impact images in all. The volume includes interpretive essays, an annotated chronology and other documentation.

: pb ISBN 9780821226490


Weegee was the archetypal hard-boiled tabloid photographer who, from the 1930s to 60s, brought images of the seamy underbelly of New York to the public. This retrospective volume showcases his work.

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