Treasures of the world
Collection planned and directed by Albert Skira
introduction by Christiane Desroches Noblecourt ; text by Jean Yoyotte ; [translated from the French by Robert Allen]
Skira c1968 Treasures of the world v. 7
text by J.M. Pita Andrade ; introduction by F.J. Sánchez Cantón ; [translated from the Spanish by Isabel Quigly]
Skira , Distributed in the United States by the World Pub. Co. 1967 Treasures of the world
Ekrem Akurgal, Cyril Mango, Richard Ettinghausen
Skira c1966 Treasures of the world
introd. by F.J. Sánchez Cantón ; text by Alexandre Cirici-Pellicer ; translated from the Spanish by Robin Kemball, Gladys Ronkin, and Catherine Moran
Skira : [distributed in the U.S. by World Pub. Co., Cleveland] [1965] Treasures of the world