The interpretation of contracts


The interpretation of contracts

by Kim Lewison

Sweet & Maxwell, 1997

2nd ed


First ed.: 1989

Includes bibliographical references and index



In "The Interpretation of Contracts" the author states the various rules in the form of short propositions of law, which are followed by extensive critical discussion, and in many cases the real application of the proposition is illustrated. Subjects considered include the object of interpretation, the materials available, law and precedent, the meaning of words, implied terms, the canons of construction, ambiguity and inconsistencies, mistakes and inconsistencies, and preliminary parts of a deed.


The object of interpretation. The materials available. Law and precedent. The meaning of words. Implied terms. The canons of construction. Ambiguity and uncertainty. Mistakes and inconsistencies. Preliminary parts of a deed. Parcels and the subject-matter of the contract. Exemption clauses. Certificates, consents and similiar clauses. Stipulations as to time. Conditions and conditional obligations. Penalties, termination and forfeiture clauses.

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