The Renaissance in Venice : a world apart


The Renaissance in Venice : a world apart

Patricia Fortini Brown

(Everyman art library)

Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997


Includes bibliography and index



The art of the Venetian Renaissance, with its chromatic richness, its emphasis on light and landscape, is quite distinct from that of Florence and Rome. This book considers what contributed to this Venetian aesthetic - the city's Byzantine heritage and geo-political context, its tradition of family workshops, and the way it controlled and protected its artists through the oldest painter's guild in Italy. It also recreates the three "worlds" of the Venetian Renaissance: the civic world, with its public art; the religious world, with its sacred art; and the private world of the aristocratic home and royal palace, where the pastoral imagery of pagan antiquity, the development of landscape painting and the celebration of the female nude and of portraiture are found.


  • The visual world of the Venetians
  • artisans and artists
  • the art of public life
  • the art of piety
  • the art of private life
  • the aristocratic ideal.

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