The American encounter : the United States and the making of the modern world : essays from 75 years of Foreign affairs


The American encounter : the United States and the making of the modern world : essays from 75 years of Foreign affairs

edited by James F. Hoge, Jr. and Fareed Zakaria

BasicBooks, c1997

  • : cloth
  • : paper


Foreign affairs (New York)


Includes index


: cloth ISBN 9780465001705


Published to celebrate the 75th anniversary of "Foreign Affairs", the journal of foreign policy, this collection gathers essays from past and present issues. Essays which not only laid the foundation for Americas involvement on the world stage but also defined the vital issues of the 20th century. Since its founding in 1922, "Foreign Affairs" has been one of the world's leading journals of international relations, by providing insightful and far-reaching commentary on global politics and economic policy. America has increasingly played a pivotal role in world events, whether military, political, economic or ideological, and "Foreign Affairs" and its contributors have been at the centre of each debate. It was in "Foreign Affairs" that George Kennan first proposed the policy of containment that became the touchstone of US strategy during the Cold War; that statesmen-scholars like Henry Kissinger and Arthur Schlesinger have debated the contentious issues of nuclear weapons and human rights; that journalists like Walter Lippmann and James Reston have offered prescient analyses of American foreign policy; and that thinkers like Isaiah Berlin and Samuel Huntington have explained the changing nature of the world.


  • Part 1 After Versailles the 1920s: Germany since the War, Karl Kautsky
  • nationalism and internationalism, Alfred E. Zimmern
  • Lenin, Victor Chernov
  • concerning Senator Borah, Walter Lippmann. Part 2 The gathering storm, the 1930s: the Great Depression, Edwin F. Gay
  • imperialism and communism, Nikolai Bukharin
  • of liberty, Benedetto Croce
  • dictatorship of the mind, Heinrich Mann
  • civilization on trial, H.G. Wells. Part 3 War and victory, the 1940s: a turning point in history, Arnold J. Toynbee
  • pacifism and democracy, Julien Benda
  • the critic turns actor, James B. Reston
  • the challenge to Americans, Henry L. Stimson. Part 4 A Cold War, the 1950s: the sources of Soviet conduct, George F. Kennan
  • reflections on American diplomacy, Henry A. Kissinger
  • the delicate balance of terror, Albert Wohlstetter
  • the silence in Russian culture, Isaiah Berlin
  • the realities in Africa - European profit or negro development?, W.E.B. Du Bois
  • the underdeveloped and the overdeveloped, Margaret Mead
  • Wormwood and Gall - an introspective note on American diplomacy, A. Whitney Griswold. Part 5 The quagmire of Vietnam, the 1960s: to intervene or not to intervene, Hans J. Morgenthau
  • The Vietnam negotiations, Henry A. Kissinger
  • American intellectuals and foreign policy, Irving Kristol
  • A Vietnam reappraisal - the personal history of one man's view and how it evolved, Clark M. Clifford. Part 6 An age of limits, the 1970s: isolated America, Hamilton Fish Armstrong
  • the strategy of terrorism, David Fromkin
  • the end of Pan-Arabism, Fouad Ajami
  • a monetary system for the future, Richard N. Cooper
  • human rights and the American tradition, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
  • human rights and foreign policy - a proposal, William F. Buckley, Jr. Part 7 The collapse of communism, the 1980s: misconceptions about Russia are a threat to America, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • can the Soviet Union reform, Richard Pipes
  • communism in Russian history, George F. Kennan
  • the Cold War and its aftermath, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Part 8 An uncertain new order, the 1990s: technology and sovereignty, Walter B. Wriston
  • power shift, Jessica T. Mathews
  • the bent twig - a note on nationalism, Isaiah Berlin
  • the clash of civilizations?, Samuel P. Huntington
  • the last ambassador - a memoir of the collapse of Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmermann
  • competitiveness - a dangerous obsession, Paul Krugman
  • culture is destiny - a conversation with Lee Kuan Yew, Fareed Zakaria.

: paper ISBN 9780465001712


Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the world's leading journal of international relations, a distinction earned by providing the most insightful and far-reaching commentary on global politics and economic policy available anywhere. America has increasingly played a pivotal role in world events, whether military, political, economic, or ideological, and Foreign Affairs and its contributors have been at the centre of each debate.It was in Foreign Affairs that George Kennan first proposed the policy of containment that became the touchstone of U.S. strategy during the Cold War that statesmen-scholars like Henry Kissinger and Arthur Schlesinger have debated the contentious issues of nuclear weapons and human rights that journalists like Walter Lippmann and James Reston have offered prescient analyses of American foreign policy and that thinkers like Isaiah Berlin and Samuel Huntington have explained the changing nature of the world. In The American Encounter, readers will find these landmark essays and many more in a unique intellectual history of this century and of the extraordinary role that America has played in it.There is no other book like this, because there is no other publication like Foreign Affairs. The American Encounter is a powerful link to the giants of history,those visionaries whose warnings and advice still speak to us today, offering wisdom, insight, and a greater understanding of America's place in the world.


* Americas Past, Americas Future: An Introduction James F. Hoge, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria * Elihu Root, A Requisite for the Success of Popular Diplomacy, September 22 After Versailes, the 1920s * Karl Kautsky, Germany Since the War, December 1922 * Alfred E. Zimmern, Nationalism and Internationalism, June 1923 * Victor Chernov, Lenin, March 1924 * Walter Lippman, Concerning Senator Borah, January 1926 The Gathering Storm, the 1930s * Edwin F. Gay, The Great Depression, July 1932 * Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and Communism, July 1936 * Benedetto Croce, Of Liberty, October 1932 * Heinrich Mann, Dictatorship of the Mind, April 1934 * H.G. Wells, Civilization on Trial, July 1935 War and Victory, the 1940s * Arnold J. Toynbee, A Turning Point in History, January 1939 * Julien Benda, Pacifism and Democracy, July 1941 * James B. Reston, The Critic Turns Actor, October 1945 * Henry L. Stimson, The Challenge to Americans, October 1947 A Cold War, the 1950s * X[George F. Kennan], The Sources of Soviet Conduct, July 1947 * Henry A. Kissinger, Reflections of American Diplomacy, October 1956 * Albert Wohlstetter, The Delicate Balance of Terror, January 1959 * Isaiah Berlin, The Silence in Russian Culture, October 1957 * W.E.B. Du Bois, The Realities in Africa: European Profit or Negro Development? July 1943 * Margaret Mead, The Underdeveloped and the Overdeveloped, October 1962 * A. Whitney Griswold, Wormwoood and Gall: An Introspective Note on American Diplomacy, October 1960 The Quagmire of Vietnam, The 1960s * Hans J. Morgenthau, to Intervene or Not To Intervene, April 1967 * Henry A. Kissinger, The Viet Nam Negotiations, January 1969 * Irving Kristol, American Intellectuals and Foreign Policy, July 1967 * Clark M. Clifford, A Viet Nam Reappraisal: the Personal History of One Mans View and How It Evolved, July 1969 An Age of Limits, the 1970s * Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Isolated America, October 1972 * David Fromkin, The Strategy of Terrorism, July 1975 * Fouad Ajami, The End of Pan-Arabism, Winter 197879 * Richard N. Cooper, A Monetary System for the Future, Winter 1984 * Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Human Rights and the American Tradition, America and the World 1978 * William F. Buckley, Jr., Human Rights and Foreign Policy: A Proposal, Winter 19801981 The Collapse of Communism, the 1980s * Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Misconceptions About Russia Are a Threat to America, Spring 1980 * Richard Pipes, Can the Soviet Union Reform?, Fall 1984 * George F. Kennan, Communism in Russian History, Winter 199091 * Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Cold War and Its Aftermath, Fall 1992 An Uncertain New Order, the 1990s * Walter B. Wriston, Technology and Sovereignty, Winter 198889 * Jessica T. Mathews, Power Shift, January/February 1997 * Isaiah Berlin, The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism, October 1972 * Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations? Summer 1993 * Warren Zimmermann, The Last Ambassador: A Memoir of the Collapse of Yugoslavia, March/April 1995 * Paul Krugman, Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession, March/April 1994 * Fareed Zakaria, Culture Is Destiny: A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew, March/April 1994

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