Encyclopedia of religion and society

Bibliographic Information

Encyclopedia of religion and society

William H. Swatos, Jr, editor ; Peter Kivisto, associate editor ; Barbara J. Denison, James McClenon, assistant editors

AltaMira Press, c1998

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


The sacred and profane continue to interface, conflict, and intermingle in novel ways. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Society provides a guide map for these developments. From succinct, brief notes to essay-length entries, this encyclopedia covers world religious leaders and scholars-past and present-in the United States and the world. This comprehensive volume is an essential reference for the study of the anthropology, psychology, politics, or sociology of religion.

Table of Contents

1 Abortion 2 Acquiva, Sabino 3 Adaptation 4 Adolescence/Youth Culture 5 Adventism 6 Affective Commitment 7 African American Religion 8 Age 9 Alcoholics Anonymous 10 Alienation 11 Allport, Gordon 12 Alternation 13 American Academy of Religion 14 American Catholic Sociological Society 15 American Psychological Association, Section on the Psychology of Religion 16 American Religion 17 American Sociological Association, Section on the Sociology of Religion 18 Amish 19 Ammerman, Nancy T. 20 Anabaptists 21 Ancestor Worship 22 Animism 23 Anomie 24 Anthropology of Religion 25 Anticult Movement 26 Apocalypticism 27 Apostasy and Defection 28 Appalachia 29 Apparition 30 Archives de Science Sociales des Religions 31 Asceticism 32 Asian Religion 33 Association for the Social Scientific Study or Jewry 34 Association for the Sociology of Religion 35 Astrology 36 Atheism 37 Attitudes 38 Attribution Theory 39 Authoritarianism 40 Baha'i 41 Baptists 42 Barker, Eileen 43 Barrett, Donald N. 44 Batson, C. Daniel 45 Becker, Ernst 46 Beckford, James A. 47 Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin 48 Beliefs 49 Bellah, Robert N. 50 Belonging 51 Bendix, Richard 52 Berger, Peter L. 53 Bergson, Henri 54 Bibby, Reginald 55 Biblical Studies 56 Blizzard, Samuel 57 Bogardus, Emory 58 Book of Mormon 59 Bourdieu, Pierre 60 Bourg, Carroll J. 61 Brainwashing 62 Brewer, Earl D.C. 63 Bricolage 64 Bromley, David G. 65 Brophy, Mary Ligouri 66 Brunner, Edmund S. de 67 Buber, Martin 68 Buddhism 69 Burhoe, Ralph 70 Calvinism 71 Campbell, Joseph 72 Campicje, Ronald J. 73 Canadian Study of Religion 74 Capps, Gordon 75 Cargo Cults 76 Carribbean Religions 77 Carroll, Jackson 78 Casuistry 79 Chalfant, H. Paul 80 Change Movements 81 Change 82 Chanting 83 Charisma 84 Charismatic Movement 85 Christian Right 86 Christian School Movement 87 Christian Science 88 Christian Social Thought 89 Christian Sociology 90 Christianity 91 Church-Sect Theory 92 Church-State Relations (U.S.) 93 Cipriani, Roberto 94 Civil Disobedience 95 Civil Religion 96 Civil Rights 97 Clark, Walter Houston 98 Clemens, Alphonse 99 Clergy 100 Cognitive Dissonance 101 Cognitive Models 102 Commitment 103 Communal Groups/ Religious Community 104 Communal Involvement 105 Communitarianism 106 Community 107 Community Organization 108 Compassion 109 Compensators 110 Conflict 111 Confucianism 112 Congregationalism 113 Conscience 114 Contemporary Jewry 115 Contigency 116 Contributors 117 Conversion 118 Crimes 119 Cult 120 Curtis, Jack H. 121 D'Antonio, William V. 122 Dashefsky, Arnold 123 Davidson, James D. 124 Death and Dying 125 Decision Making 126 Deferred Gratification 127 Definition of Religion 128 Demerath, N. Jay III 129 Democracy 130 Demythologizing 131 Denomination 132 Deprivation Theory 133 Desroche, Henri 134 Deviance 135 Dialectics 136 Disciples of Christ 137 Disenchantment 138 Dittes, James E. 139 Divine Light Mission 140 Dobbelaere, Karel 141 Dogmatism 142 Donovan, John D. 143 Dommsday Cult 144 Douglas, Mary 145 Douglass, H. Paul 146 Drugs 147 DuBois, W.E.B. 148 Dudley, Carl 149 Durkheim, Emile 150 Eastern Orthodoxy 151 Ebaugh, Helen Rose 152 Ecology Movement 153 Ecology of Religion 154 Ecumenism 155 Edwards, Johnathan 156 Eister, Allen W. 157 Elazar, Daniel 158 Elective Affinity 159 Eliade, Mircea 160 Encyclical 161 Engels, Friedrich 162 Episcopal Church 163 Equal Rights Ammendment 164 Erikson, Erik 165 Eschatology 166 est 167 Ethics, Professional 168 Ethnicity 169 Ethnocentrism 170 Ethos 171 Evaluation Research 172 Evangelicalism 173 Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 174 Evolution of Religion 175 Experience 176 Facey, Paul W. 177 Faith Development 178 Family, The 179 Feminist Theory and Research 180 Feminist Theology 181 Feminization Thesis 182 Ferrarotti, Franco 183 Feuerbach, Ludwig 184 Fichter, Joseph H. 185 Finney, Charles Grandison 186 Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. 187 Folk Religion 188 Frazer, James G. 189 Frazier, E. Franklin 190 Freud, Sigmund 191 Friedel, Francis 192 Friess, Horace L. 193 Fukuyama, Wilfred Cantwell 194 Functionalism 195 Fundamentalism 196 Funerals 197 Furfey, Paul H. 198 Gallagher, Ralph 199 Gandhi, Mohandas K. 200 Gannon, Thomas M. 201 Garrett, William R. 202 Geertz, Clifford J. 203 Geffen, Rela Mintz 204 Gellner, Ernest 205 Gender 206 Geographic Mobility 207 Gerontology 208 Gilligan, Carol 209 Globalization 210 Glock, Charles Young 211 Glossalalia 212 Goldstein, Sidney 213 Gorusch, Richard 214 Graham, Billy 215 Gramsci, Antonio 216 Great Awakenings 217 Greek and Roman Religions 218 Greeley, Andrew M. 219 Groups 220 Gruesser, Jeanine 221 Guilt 222 Hadden, Jeffrey K. 223 Hammond, Phillip E. 224 Hargrove, Barbara J. 225 Harte, Thomas J. 226 Healy, Mary Edward 227 Hegel, G.W.F. 228 Heller, Celia Stopnicka 229 Herberg, Will 230 Herskovitz, Melville 231 Hervieu-Leger, Daniele 232 Himmelfarb, Harry 233 Hinduism 234 Hoge, Dean R. 235 Homans, George C. 236 Homosexuality 237 Hood, Ralph W., Jr. 238 Hughes, John E. 239 Human Rights 240 Hymns 241 Identity 242 Ideology 243 Immanence 244 Implicit Religion 245 Imse, Thomas P. 246 Individualism 247 International Society for Krishna Conciousness 248 Internet 249 Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religiousity 250 Investments 251 Invisible Religion 252 Irreligion 253 Islam 254 Jackson, Jesse 255 Jacquet, Constant H. 256 Jainism 257 James, William 258 Jarrett, William H. 259 Jehovah's Witnesses 260 Jesus People 261 Jewish-Christian Relations 262 Jews 263 Johnson, Benton 264 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 265 Journal of Church and State 266 Judaism 267 Kallen, Horace M. 268 Kane John J. 269 Kaslow, George W. 270 Kelley, Dean M. 271 Kelly, James R. 272 Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 273 Kincheloe, Samuel C. 274 King, Martin Luther, Jr. 275 Klausner, Samuel Z. 276 Kloetzi, Walter 277 Kluckhohn, Clyde 278 Koresh, David 279 Ku Klux Klan 280 Labbens, Jean 281 Laity 282 Lane, Ralph, Jr. 283 Language 284 Last Supper 285 Le Bras, Gabriel 286 Leadership 287 Leclerq, Jacques 288 Lehman, Edward C., Jr. 289 Lenski, Gerhard 290 Levi-Strauss, Claude 291 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien 292 Lewsi, G. Douglass 293 Life Satisfaction 294 Lincoln, Abraham 295 Lipset, Seymour Martin 296 Local-Cosmopolitan Distinction 297 Lofland, John 298 Long, Theodore E. 299 Luckmann, Thomas 300 Luhmann, Niklas 301 Lutheranism 302 Magic 303 Mainline Churches 304 Malinowski, Bronislaw 305 Marriage and Divorce 306 Martin, David 307 Marty, Martin E. 308 Marx, Karl 309 Marxism 310 Maslow, Abraham 311 Mass 312 Mauss, Marcel 313 Mayer, Egon 314 McCarey, Augustine D. 315 McGuire, Meredith B. 316 McKinney, William 317 McNamara, Patrick H. 318 McNamara, Robert J. 319 Meaning 320 Mennonites 321 Mental Health 322 Merton, Robert K. 323 Metaphor 324 Methodism 325 Mihanovich, Clement S. 326 Millenarianism 327 Mills, C. Wright 328 Ministry 329 Missions/ Missiology 330 Moberg, David O. 331 Mobility (Social) 332 Modernism 333 Mol, Hans 334 Moral Community 335 Moral Development 336 Morality 337 Momonism 338 Motive 339 Mueller, Franz H. 340 Mulvaney, Bernard G. 341 Mundie, Paul J. 342 Mundy, Paul 343 Murray, Raymond W. 344 Mysticism 345 Nason-Clark, Nancy 346 Nation of Islam 347 National Council of Churches 348 Native Americans 349 Navin, Robert B. 350 Neal, Marie Augusta 351 Near-Death Experiences 352 Nelsen, Hart M. 353 Nelson, Benjamin 354 New Religious Movements 355 Niebuhr, Reinhold 356 Niebuhr, Richard H. 357 Nietzsche, Friedrich 358 Nonofficial Religion 359 Nonrational Experience 360 Noyes, John Humphrey 361 Nuesse, C. Joseph 362 O'Dea, Thomas 363 Occupations 364 Orders 365 Ordination 366 Organization Theory and Religious Organization 367 Orthodoxy 368 Orthopraxy 369 Other-Worldly 370 Otto, Rudolph 371 Papacy 372 Parapsychology 373 Parish 374 Parsons, Talcott 375 Particularism 376 Peace 377 Peak Experiences 378 Pemberton, Prentiss 379 Pentecostalism 380 Peoples Temple 381 Perry, Everett L. 382 Phenomenology 383 Piaget, Jean 384 Pilgrimmage/Tourism 385 Pillarization 386 Plausibility 387 Pluralism 388 Politics 389 Pope, Liston 390 Popular Religion 391 Positivism 392 Postmodernism 393 Poverty 394 Practice 395 Preferential Option for the Poor 396 Premillenialism 397 Presbyterians 398 Progressivism 399 Protestant Ethic Thesis 400 Protestantism 401 Proudfoot, Wayne 402 Pruyser, Paul 403 Psychic Phenomena 404 Psychology of Religion 405 Public Opinion Polling 406 Public Religion 407 Purity 408 Quakers 409 Quasi-Religions 410 Racism 411 Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. 412 Radicalism 413 Rajneesh Movement 414 Rational Choice Theory 415 Redfield, Robert 416 Reductionism 417 Reformation 418 Reiss, Paul J. 419 Religion 420 Religiosity 421 Religious Education 422 Religious Research Association 423 Religious Studies 424 Research Committee 22 425 Research Methods 426 Resource Mobilization 427 Review of Religious Research 428 Revitilization movements 429 Revolution 430 Rhetoric 431 Richardson, James T. 432 Rites of Passage 433 Ritual 434 Robbins, Thomas 435 Robertson, Pat 436 Robertson, Roland 437 Robinson, Leo 438 Rokeach, Milton 439 Roles 440 Roman Catholicism 441 Roof, Wade Clark 442 Ross, Eva Jenny 443 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 444 Routinization 445 Ryan, John A. 446 Sacred 447 Sacrifice 448 Salience 449 Salvation Army 450 Sapir, Edward 451 Satanism 452 Scherer, Ross P. 453 Schneider, Louis 454 Schnepp, Gerald J. 455 Schoenherr, Richard A. 456 School Prayer 457 Science and Religion 458 Scientology 459 Secondary Anxiety 460 Secular Religion 461 Secularization 462 Self-Denial 463 Seminaries and Seminarians 464 Sexism 465 Sexuality and Fertility 466 Shakers 467 Shinto 468 Shippey, Frederick A. 469 Shupe, Anson D., Jr. 470 Sikhism 471 Silva Mind Control 472 Simmel, Georg 473 Simpson, John H. 474 Sklare, Marshall 475 Slavery 476 Smith, Joseph 477 Smith, Wilfred Cantwell 478 Smith, William Robertson 479 Snake-Handling Cults 480 Social Action 481 Social Compass 482 Social Control 483 Social Gospel 484 Social Integration 485 Social Justice 486 Social Movements 487 Social Psychology 488 Social Science and Religion 489 Socialization 490 Societe International de Sociologie des Religions 491 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 492 Sociology of Religion 493 Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review 494 Soka Gakki 495 Southernization 496 Spencer, Anthony 497 Spencer, Herbert 498 Spilka, Bernard 499 Spiritual Fronteirs Fellowship International 500 Spiritualism 501 Spirituality 502 Spiro, Melford 503 Spitzer, Allen 504 Stark, Rodney 505 Stark, Werner 506 Status 507 Stratification 508 Subsidiarity 509 Supernatural 510 Surrogates for Religion 511 Swanson, Guy E. 512 Symbolic realism 513 Symbols 514 Syncretism 515 Systems theory 516 Taboo 517 Tamney, Joseph B. 518 Taoism 519 Tawney, R.H. 520 Technology 521 Televangelism 522 Teresa, Mother 523 Theodicy 524 Theology 525 Theory 526 Theosophy 527 Third World 528 Thomas, John L. 529 Tillich, Paul 530 Timascheff, Nicholasw S. 531 Tiryakian, Edward A. 532 Tocqueville, Alexis de 533 Totemism 534 Transcendental Meditation (TM) 535 Transcendentalism 536 Troeltsch, Ernst 537 Turner, Victor 538 Two-Party Thesis 539 Tylor, Edward B. 540 UFO/ Flying Saucer Cults 541 Ultimacy 542 Unification Church 543 Unitarianism 544 Universalism 545 Values 546 Vatican II 547 Verbit, Mervin F. 548 Verscheure 549 Violence 550 Virgin Mary 551 Virginity 552 Virtuoso 553 Volunteerism 554 Voodoo 555 Voye, Liliane 556 Wach, Joachim 557 Wallace, Anthony F.C. 558 Wallace, Ruth A. 559 Wallis, Roy 560 Warner, R. Stephen 561 Waxman, Chaim I. 562 We-They Boundaries 563 Weber, Max 564 Weigert, Andrew 565 Well-Being 566 Wellness 567 Whitman, Lauris B. 568 Williams, J. Paul 569 Willigan, Walter 570 Wilmore, Gayraud 571 Wilson, Bryan R. 572 Wimberley, Ronald C. 573 Winter, Jerry Alan 574 Witchcraft 575 Wood, James R. 576 Woods, Frances Jerome 577 Workers' Movements 578 World Christian Encyclopedia 579 World-System Theory 580 Wuthnow, Robert 581 Yinger, J. Milton 582 Yoga 583 Young, Brigham 584 Zahn, Gordon 585 Zoroastrianism

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