Bitter legacy : confronting the Holocaust in the USSR


Bitter legacy : confronting the Holocaust in the USSR

edited by Zvi Gitelman

Indiana University Press, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



" . . . a chronicle of man's bestiality to man, and therefore the few exceptional instances of courage and humanity shine forth with particular brightness." -The Russian Review "Essential reading for any holocaust course." -Religious Studies Review Bitter Legacy collects scholarship from America, Israel, Russia, Germany, and the Ukraine on the perpetration of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union and its lasting consequences from the postwar period through post-Soviet times. Newly accessible wartime archives in the former Soviet Union provide chilling details of what happened, of collaboration with the Nazis, and of rescue efforts, too.


1. Soviet Jewry Before the Holocaust Zvi Gitelman 2. Politics and the Historiography of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union Zvi Gitelman 3. The Holocaust and Ukrainian Jews Shmuel Spector 4. The Ukrainian Population and the Nazi Genocide of the Jews M. I. Koval 5. Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi and the Complexities of Ukrainian-Jewish Relations Shimon Redlich 6. Antisemitism in Ukraine toward the End of the Second World War Mordechai Altshuler 7. From White Terror to Holocaust in Lithuania: Nazi Policy towards the Jews in the Reichskommissariat Ostland, June-December 1941 Michael MacQueen 8. "Inventing" the Holocaust for Latvia: New Research Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm 9. Jewish Refugees from Poland in the USSR, 1939-1946 Yosef Litvak 10. Jewish Warfare and the Participation of Jews in Combat in the Soviet Union: Soviet and Western Historiography Mordechai Altshuler 11. Jewish-Lithuanian Relations during World War II: History and Rhetoric Sara Shner-Neshamit 12. Lithuanian-Jewish Relations in the Shadow of the Holocaust: Some Recent Lithuanian Discussions Introduced and annotated by Sima Ycikas 13. The Holocaust and the Armed Struggle in Belorussia as Reflected in Soviet Literature and Works by Emigres in the West Shalom Cholawski 14. Soviet Jews under Nazi Occupation in Northeastern Belarus and Northern Russia Daniel Romanovsky Documents 15. German Orders 16. Implementation 17. Eyewitness Accounts 18. Rescue 19. Collaboration and Resistance 20. Antisemitic Legacy of the Holocaust Index

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