French and Creole in Louisiana


French and Creole in Louisiana

edited by Albert Valdman

(Topics in language and linguistics / series editors, Thomas A. Sebeok and Albert Valdman)

Plenum Press, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Leading specialists on Cajun French and Louisiana Creole examine dialectology and sociolinguistics in this volume, the first comprehensive treatment of the linguistic situation of francophone Louisiana and its relation to the current development of French in North America outside of Quebec. Topics discussed include: language shift and code mixing speaker attitudes the role of schools and media in the maintenance of these languages and such language planning initiatives as the CODOFIL program to revive the sue of French in Louisiana. GBP/LISTGBP


  • 1. Introduction
  • A. Valdman. 2. The Sociolinguistic Situation of Cajun French: The Effects of Language Shift and Language Loss
  • C. Blyth. 3. Field Method in Four Cajun Communities in Louisiana
  • S. Dubois. 4. A Structural Sketch of the Cajun French Spoken in Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes
  • R.A. Papen, K.J. Rottet. 5. The Structure of Louisiana Creole
  • A. Valdman, T.A. Klingler. 6. The Lexicon of Louisiana French
  • T.A. Klingler, M.D. Picone, A. Valdman. 7. The Louisiana French Movement: Actors and Actions in Social Change
  • J. Henry. 8. The Development of a Louisiana French Norm
  • B. Brown. 9. French and Creole on St. Barth and St. Thomas
  • J. Maher. 10. Structural Aspects and Current Sociolinguistic Situation of Acadian French
  • K. Flikeid. 11. Sociolinguistic Heterogenity: The Franco-Ontarians
  • R. Mougeon. 12. Towards a Lexicography of French in Louisiana: Historical and Geographical Aspects
  • P. Rezeau. 13. The Origin and Development of Louisiana Creole French
  • M.M. Marshall. 14. Research on Louisiana French Folklore and Folklife
  • B.J. Ancelet. Name and Title Index. Subject Index.

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